Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
- Section 165:55-1-1 - Purpose; short title
- Section 165:55-1-2 - Jurisdiction
- Section 165:55-1-3 - Application of rules
- Section 165:55-1-4 - Definitions
- Section 165:55-1-5 - Interpretation of rules
- Section 165:55-1-6 - Relief from rules
- Section 165:55-1-7 - Exceptions or variances
- Section 165:55-1-8 - Supremacy
- Section 165:55-1-9 - Rules conform to law
- Section 165:55-1-10 - Controversy over rules
- Section 165:55-1-11 - Severability
- Section 165:55-1-12 - Conflict with Commission order
- Section 165:55-1-13 - Conflict with filed tariffs
- Section 165:55-1-14 - Tariff conformance [REVOKED]
- Section 165:55-1-15 - Exclusions
- Section 165:55-1-16 - [Revoked]