Subchapter 3 - Registration
- Section 160:50-3-1 - Registration required [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-1.1 - Registration forms
- Section 160:50-3-2 - Certificate as evidence of registration [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-3 - Identification number [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-4 - Registration forms [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-5 - Initial Registration period [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-6 - Subsequent Registration periods [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-7 - Delinquency of renewal [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-8 - Change of Registration information [REVOKED]
- Section 160:50-3-9 - Change of ownership
- Section 160:50-3-10 - Ownership of more than one health spa
- Section 160:50-3-11 - Moving or closing a location