Section 901:9-2-09 - Ball and bag tossing games(A) In any game at a fair in which balls or other objects are rolled or slid on a platform of any kind, the platform shall be level laterally, unwarped, and have no obstruction of any kind between the players and the targets. Balls must be round, solid and firm.(B) Basketball-type games. Games resembling basketball, but having rims or hoops with an inside diameter of less, or greater than, eighteen inches. The operators of these style games shall ensure: (1) The difference between the inside diameter of the rim and the outside diameter of the ball is no less than three and one-quarter inches; (3) Rim size is posted on the backboard;(4) The game is not called basketball; and(5) The ball's air pressure is within the manufacturer's recommended air pressure. If the ball does not have an air pressure recommended by the manufacturer or the manufacturer's air pressure can not be located, the ball's air pressure should be between 7.0 to 9.0 psi at the time of play.(C) Basketball games. The operators of these style games shall ensure: (1) The basket or hoop is ten feet high and has an inside diameter of eighteen inches; (2) A regulation-size basketball with a minimum circumference of twenty-nine and one-half inches and a maximum of thirty inches, with a weight minimum of twenty ounces and maximum of twenty-two ounces is used for play; and(3) The ball's air pressure is within the manufacturer's recommended air pressure. If the ball does not have an air pressure recommended by the manufacturer or the manufacturer's air pressure can not be located, the ball's air pressure should be between 7.0 to 9.0 psi at the time of play.(D) Football toss and similar games. Operators of this game, where a tire or hole is used as a target, shall provide: (1) Regulation-size footballs or similar objects to be thrown; (2) A target clearance of at least one inch measured from the largest part of the football or other object on one side; and(3) No obstruction between the player and target.(E) Pan ball or box ball game. The operators of these style games shall ensure: (1) The game is operated in a level position at all times; (2) The use of rubber, plastic or cork balls is prohibited. However, a plastic ball with holes (wiffle ball) may be used; and(3) The table or stand supporting the pans or boxes does not exceed three feet in height from the ground.(F) Ping pong ball fish bowl game. The table or stand supporting the fish bowls shall not exceed four feet in height from the ground. The width of the opening of the fish bowl shall be such that there will be not less than one inch from center position of the ball on one side.(G) Pop bottle ball game, bottle tip-em-over. (1) The operators of these style games shall:(a) Keep bottles at least twelve inches from any obstruction so bottles are free to fall over at all times;(b) Place bottles side by side in an upright position, bottom down, on the supporting platform parallel with the front of the game;(c) Ensure that a leather-covered ball, approximately the same diameter as a baseball and weighing no less than one and one-half ounces is tossed underhand; and(2) In order to win, a player may throw one ball and knock both bottles over.(3) Operators who desire to operate with four bottles and two balls may play in a similar fashion.(H) Roll-a-game. The operators of these style games shall ensure:(1) The board is rigidly mounted, level laterally, and unwarped with no obstructions which could cause the ball to jump;(2) All slots or holes are in an even row at the back of the board and not staggered;(3) The balls are solid and round at all times;(4) The slope of the board does not exceed one inch per foot of board length; and(5) All openings or slots are of the same width.(I) Clown pop-em-in, stars, lion's mouth, and similar games. This game shall have at least one-half of an inch clearance on one side of the ball, and the target not over six feet in distance from the front barrier. Motion of the game will be permitted if constant and not erratic. The approval by the director or his designee is required for a moving target.(J) Huckla buck kegs, milk can or similar game. The operators of these style games shall ensure: (1) These games are set on a frame and always kept level;(2) Rubber and/or plastic balls are not used;(3) A clearance of at least three-quarters of an inch is present between the opening of the kegs in huckla buck, milk can or similar games; and(4) At least a four-foot clearance from any obstructions above or around the cans.(K) Milk bottle ball game. (1) The operators of these style games shall ensure: (a) All bottles are free from defects, weigh less than three pounds, and each set of bottles is uniform in size;(b) The base on which the bottles sit is at least eighteen inches from the ground and at least six feet from the front barrier;(c) The front barrier is not higher than the base on which the bottles sit; and(d) The game is played with a rubber or leather covered softball with a minimum weight of five ounces.(2) Variations: (a) If the game is played as "all over," a rim not to exceed one-half of an inch is permitted.(b) If the game is played as "all off," no obstructions are allowed around the base on which the bottles sit.(L) Break the bottle, plate, and similar games. The operators of these style games shall ensure: (1) Targets are placed in a stationary rack at least twenty-four feet from the barrier with no exceptions for trailer-mounted games. If bottles are used as targets they are of uniform shape and size; (2) A protective covering, including a canvas drop, is provided on three sides and the top for public safety;(3) Baseballs as described in paragraph (U)(1) of this rule are used and are inspected for embedded glass before being offered to the player; and(4) Plastic or bisque plates or discs have a minimum distance of six feet clearance from the front portion of the trailer. In the break the plate game, the distance between the plates must is less than the diameter of the ball thrown when the object of the game is to break two plates with one ball to win.(M) Dunking machine or similar games. Persons seated on the target seat shall not use foul or offensive language and be properly dressed. The use of rubber, plastic, or cork balls is prohibited.(N) Cat rack. The operators of these style games shall ensure:(1) The rack may consist of one or more tiers; (3) Cats do not weigh more than two pounds;(4) Cats do not have to be knocked from the shelf to be considered over (same as if game is played when cats are hinged);(5) The canvas backdrop will not interfere with the falling cat; and there are not any other obstructions to prevent the cat from falling;(6) The front molding (rail) on the shelf does not extend over one inch above the shelf and may be padded to lessen the chance of rebound balls; and(7) Balls are to be the size of baseballs and weigh not less than three ounces.(O) Slat racks. Hinges on racks using fixed targets shall work freely to permit targets to fall over when hit.(P) Beverage can - bean bag can. This game may be operated with either six or nine empty cans and may be played "all over" or "all off." The platform shall be no greater than twenty-one inches in diameter or a twenty-one inch square with the height being no less than thirty inches and no higher than fifty-two inches from the ground. Cans shall be placed no more than three-eighths of an inch apart. Two bean bags, three inches by three inches, with a minimum weight of two ounces shall be used. Cans shall have clearance of the can plus three inches. A lip not to exceed one-eighth of an inch will be permitted. Cans are to be stacked "4-3-2" or "3-2-1." No obstructions whatsoever shall be permitted around the base on which the cans sit if operating the game "all off."(Q) Bank-a-ball game. This game shall be operated with the following requirements:(1) Played with standard unaltered wiffle ball (a hollow plastic ball with holes);(2) Foul lines, edge lines and borders will not be permitted on bank board;(3) Baskets are to be standard-size clothes baskets and stationary to frame;(5) The angle of the bank board is to be no less than sixty degrees off plumb, and no greater than seventy degrees off plumb, away from player;(6) The center of the basket are to be positioned no further away from the player than the bottom edge of the bank board. It may be placed closer to the player;(7) The bottom distance between the edge of the bank board and the top of the basket is to be no greater than twenty-four inches; and(8) The maximum distance that the player is to stand away from the bottom of the board is six feet.(R) Slam dunk game (bank-a-ball type - Dobco manufacturing). This game shall be operated with the following requirements:(1) Played with standard unaltered wiffle ball (a hollow plastic ball with holes);(2) The angle of the bank board is no less than sixty degrees off plumb and no greater than seventy degrees off plumb, away from the player; and(3) A sign will state: "When player hits plastic red zone area with ball, foul shot is created and player loses turn."(S) Bushel basket game. The operators of these style games shall ensure: (1) The game is played with a ball the same size as a softball; (2) The basket is a standard bushel basket of four pecks having a height of at least twelve inches and a diameter of at least eighteen inches at the opening;(3) The basket is securely fastened to the backboard in a manner that they may be easily removed for inspection;(4) The angle of the basket is no less than sixty degrees off plumb and no greater than seventy degrees off plumb away from the player;(5) Distance of throw shall is less than eight feet from toe line to the basket rim; and(6) Rim shots are allowed.(T) Tub game. The operators of these style games shall ensure:(1) The game is played with a ball the same size as a softball; (2) The tub has a height of at least twelve inches and a diameter of at least eighteen inches at the opening;(3) The tub is securely fastened to backboard in a manner that they may be easily removed for inspection;(4) The angle of the tub is no less than sixty degrees off plumb and no greater than seventy degrees off plumb away from the player;(5) Distance of throw shall be no greater than eight feet from toe line to the tub rim; and(6) Rim shots are allowed.(U) For purposes of defining standard balls to be used in playing games, the following shall apply: (1) Baseball: The ball will be a sphere formed by yarn wound around a small core of cork, rubber or similar material and covered with two strips of white horsehide or two strips of white cowhide tightly stitched together. It will be nine to nine and one-half inches in circumference.(2) Softball: The ball will be a sphere formed by either a core of number nine long fiber kapok or yarn wound around a small core of cork, rubber or similar material and covered with a smooth seam stitch which is not visible on a flat surface. It will weigh not less than six and one-fourth ounces nor more than seven ounces and be eleven and seven-eighths to twelve and one-eighth inches in circumference.(3) Football: The weight will be from fourteen to fifteen ounces and it will be inflated to a pressure of twelve and one-half to thirteen and one-half pounds. The measurements will be as follows: long axis is ten and seven-eighths inches to eleven and seven-sixteenths inches; short circumference will be twenty and three-fourths inches and the long circumference will be twenty-seven and three-quarter inches to twenty-eight and one-half inches. Method of measuring will consist of the following: all measurements will be made after the ball is inflated to thirteen pounds; the long circumference should be measured ninety degrees from lace around the ends of the ball, over the groove but not in the groove; the long axis should be measured from end to end, but not in the nose indentation; the short circumference should be measured around the ball, over the valve, over the lace, but not over a cross-lace.Ohio Admin. Code 901:9-2-09
Effective: 3/21/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/3/2024 and 03/21/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1711.11
Rule Amplifies: 1711.11
Prior Effective Dates: 01/28/1974, 08/11/1978, 04/20/1980, 12/23/1986, 06/20/1988, 08/06/1990, 08/18/2000, 09/02/2005, 03/23/2017