Ohio Admin. Code 901:9-1-45

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 23, 2024
Section 901:9-1-45 - Concession go kart facility operations
(A) The owner of a concession go kart track shall provide training for each operator and attendant of the go kart track. This training shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Instructions on concession go kart track operating procedures;
(2) Instructions on specific duties of the assigned position;
(3) Instructions on general safety procedures;
(4) Instructions on emergency procedures;
(5) Demonstration of the physical ride or device operation;
(6) Supervised observation of the ride or device operator's physical operation of the ride or device;
(7) Instructions in basic fire safety and/or equipment training in accordance with local, state, or federal codes;
(8) Instructions on fueling procedures; and,
(9) Additional instructions deemed necessary by the owner or manufacturer.
(B) The track owner shall develop a written training outline/checklist which shall be used in all training programs to ensure uniformity of training.
(C) Concession go kart fueling operations shall be performed a distance from any person not directly involved in the procedure in accordance with local, state, or federal regulations.
(D) Concession go kart track personnel shall conduct a daily pre-opening inspection of karts in accordance with the go kart manufacturer's recommendation. Pre-opening inspections should include but not be limited to go kart track safety equipment, the pit area, and track facilities.
(1) The facility shall maintain a written record of daily inspections including items checked, identity of discrepant items, disposition of the discrepant items, identity of the inspector, and sign-off by authorized personnel. Records shall be maintained for a minimum of three calendar years.
(2) In the absence of specific manufacturer's recommendations for pre-opening inspections, the daily pre opening inspections shall include criteria approved by the department.
(E) Owner shall maintain brake and throttle markings so they are clearly visible, and in the event markings are not provided by the manufacturer, shall provide such markings.
(F) Concession go kart track owners shall maintain written maintenance and repair records for each go kart.
(1) Maintenance records shall contain information as specified by the go kart manufacturer but shall contain at least the serial number of the kart, date of repair, nature of repair or adjustment, and the identity of the person making the repair or adjustment; and
(2) Records of vehicle maintenance and staff training shall be maintained for a minimum of three calendar years.
(G) Concession go kart track attendants shall be positioned so that they can identify and reach any section of the concession go kart track within twenty seconds during track operation in order to render assistance.
(H) Concession go kart personnel shall verify that drivers and passengers are properly secured in provided restraint devices in accordance with go kart manufacturer's specifications prior to the beginning of each ride cycle.
(I) A signaling system or procedure shall be provided by the owner for track staff to warn drivers of hazardous or caution situations while go karts are operating on the concession go kart track.
(J) Audible verbal instructions concerning go kart ride rules shall be announced to all guest drivers/passengers prior to each ride cycle. Pre-ride instructions shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Directions to ask for assistance prior to riding should the instructions not be understood;
(2) Directions for identifying the brake and fuel actuator markings shall be included in driver and passenger instruction signs; and
(3) Directions to remain seated with seat belt fastened until instructed otherwise by the attendant.
(K) Child passengers in two seat concession go karts shall be accompanied by a driver meeting the minimum specifications for driver height or age established by the go kart manufacturer.
(L) Concession go kart track employees shall be readily identifiable to patrons.
(M) Multiple passengers shall not be permitted to occupy the same seat or to use a single set of restraints.
(N) Concession go kart track surfaces shall be maintained in good repair, and free of cracks, obstructions, and pot holes which could either damage the kart or cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
(O) Only go karts in operation shall be permitted on track during operation. No concession go karts shall be on the track at any time unless the kart is in operation under the control of a driver.

Ohio Admin. Code 901:9-1-45

Effective: 6/10/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/25/2022 and 06/10/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 993.04
Rule Amplifies: 993.04
Prior Effective Dates: 10/09/2000, 09/21/2014, 11/19/2018