Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 901:5-3-10 - Safety(A) Personnel required to handle ammonia shall be trained in safe operating practices and the proper action to take in the event of emergencies. Personnel shall be instructed to use the equipment listed in paragraph (C) in the event of an emergency. (B) If a leak occurs in an ammonia system, the personnel trained for and designated to act in such emergencies shall: (1) See that persons not required to deal with an emergency are evacuated from the contaminated area; (2) Put on a suitable gas mask; (3) Wear gauntlet type plastic or rubber gloves and wear plastic or rubber suits in heavily contaminated atmospheres; (4) Shut off the appropriate valves and take all feasible measures to resist the flow of ammonia; (5) Seek professional assistance, such as a fire department, when necessary to control and/or stop an anhydrous ammonia leak. (C) All storage systems shall have on hand, as a minimum, the following equipment for emergency and rescue purposes: (1) One full face gas mask with unused anhydrous ammonia refill canisters, with valid expiration date; (2) One pair of protective gloves; (3) One pair of protective boots; (4) One protective slicker and/or protective pants and jacket; (5) Easily accessible shower and/or at least one hundred fifty gallons of clean water in an open top container; (6) Tight fitting vented goggles or one full face shield; (7) Where several persons are usually present, additional safety equipment shall be required. (D) Each piece of farm equipment transporting anhydrous ammonia shall carry a container of at least five gallons of water and shall be equipped with rubber gloves and either a full face gas mask, or a pair of tight-fitting goggles, or one full face shield. The driver shall be instructed in their use and the proper action to take to provide for his safety. (E) If a leak occurs in transportation equipment and it is not practical to stop the leak, the driver should move the vehicle to an isolated location away from populated communities or heavily traveled highways. (F) If liquid ammonia contacts the skin or eyes, the affected area should be promptly and thoroughly flushed with water for at least fifteen minutes. Do not use neutralizing solutions or ointments on affected areas. Persons exercising control over liquid ammonia shall be responsible for being certain that a physician is consulted for persons who have accidental exposure to liquid ammonia. Ohio Admin. Code 901:5-3-10
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 05/17/2013 and 05/17/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 905.40
Rule Amplifies: 905.40
Prior Effective Dates: 11/18/1978