Section 901:5-3-05 - Location of containers(A) Consideration shall be given to the physiological effects of ammonia as well as to adjacent fire hazards in selecting the location for a storage container. Containers shall be located outside of any building or in a building or section thereof especially approved for this purpose; (B) Containers shall be located at least fifty feet from a dug well or other sources of potable water supply; (C) The location of permanent storage containers shall be outside densely populated areas; (E) Storage areas shall be kept free at all times of readily ignitable materials such as, but not limited to, waste, weeds and long dry grass. Ohio Admin. Code 901:5-3-05
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 05/17/2013 and 05/17/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 905.40
Rule Amplifies: 905.40
Prior Effective Dates: 11/18/1978