Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 901:5-3-01 - DefinitionsAs used in rules 901:5-3-01 to 901:5-3-14 of the Administrative Code:
(A) 'Ammonia" means anhydrous ammonia for use as a fertilizer through a system as defined in paragraph (S) of this rule; (B) "Approved" means: (1) Listed by a recognized testing laboratory, or (2) Recommended by the manufacturer as suitable for use with anhydrous ammonia and so marked, or (3) Accepted by the director of agriculture; (C) "Appurtenance" means any equipment which is essential to the operation of a system, including, but not limited to, pumps, compressors, safety devices, liquid level gages, valves, pressure gages, fittings, meters and dispensing devices. (D) "ASME" means "American Society of Mechanical Engineers"; (E) "ANSI" means "American National Standards Institute, Inc"; (F) "ASTM" means "American Society Testing Materials"; (G) "NFPA" means "National Fire Protection Association"; (H) "Capacity" means the total volume of the container measured in U.S. water gallons, unless otherwise specified; (I) "Code" means the "Unfired Pressure Vessel Code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers" ("Section VIII of the ASME Boiler Construction Code"), 1952, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1968 and 1971 editions, and the joint code of the "American Petroleum Institute" and the "American Society of Mechanical Engineers" (API-ASME "Code") 1951 edition, and subsequent amendments to or later editions of the same, as adopted; (J) "Container" means all vessels, tanks, cylinders, or spheres used for transportation, storage or application of anhydrous ammonia; (K) "Cylinder" means a container of one thousand pounds water capacity or less; (L) "Design pressure" is identical to the term "maximum allowable working pressure" used in the "Code"; (M) "DOT regulations" refers to hazardous materials regulations of the U.S. department of transportation ("Title 49 Transportation, Code of Federal Regulations" for shipping containers); (N) "Farm equipment" means a farm wagon-type tank vehicle of not over three thousand water gallons capacity, used as a field storage "nurse tank" supplying the fertilizer to a field applicator and moved on highways only for bringing the fertilizer from a local source of supply to farms or fields or from one farm or field to another; (O) "Filling density" means the per cent ratio of the weight of the gas in a container to the weight of water at sixty degrees Fahrenheit that the container will hold. One pound H2O = 27.737 cubic inches at sixty degrees Fahrenheit. For determining the water capacity of the tank in pounds, the weight of a gallon (two hundred thirty-one cubic inches) of water at sixty degrees Fahrenheit in air shall be 8.32828 pounds; (P) "Gas" means anhydrous ammonia in either the gaseous or liquefied state; (Q) "Gas mask" means gas masks approved by the bureau of mines, U.S. department of interior; (R) The abbreviations "psig" and "psia" refer to pounds per square inch gage and pounds per square inch absolute, respectively; (S) "Systems" as used in these standards refers to an assembly of equipment consisting essentially of the container or containers with a minimum capacity of five thousand gallons, appurtenances, pumps, compressors, and interconnecting piping; but excludes equipment for: (1) Manufacturing anhydrous ammonia; or (2) Underground or refrigerated storage; (T) The terms "charging", "filling", and "transferring" are used interchangeably and have the same meaning; (U) "New system" includes any system which is altered to change either the stationary storage capacity, product flow rate, or piping design; (V) "Safety relief valve" refers to an automatic spring loaded or equivalent type pressure activated device for gas or vapor service characterized by pop action upon opening, sometimes referred to as a pop valve; (W) "Hydrostatic relief valve" refers to an automatic pressure activated valve for liquid service characterized by throttle or slow weep opening (non-pop action); (X) An approved instrument evaluation includes hydrostatic, ultrasonic or an x-ray. Ohio Admin. Code 901:5-3-01
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 05/17/2013 and 05/17/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 905.40
Rule Amplifies: 905.40
Prior Effective Dates: 11/18/1978