Section 901:5-11-19 - Pesticide safety for agricultural workers and handlers(A) The department of agriculture adopts the " Agricultural Worker Protection Standard" found in 40 C.F.R. 170 , as the pesticide safety standard for Ohio.(B) The standard applies to all agricultural workers and handlers working with, in, or around pesticides, as defined in the " Agricultural Worker Protection Standard."(C) Any exemptions or exceptions found in the " Agricultural Worker Protection Standard" apply to this rule.Ohio Admin. Code 901:5-11-19
Effective: 12/5/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/18/2024 and 12/05/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 921.16
Rule Amplifies: 921.16
Prior Effective Dates: 08/12/2010, 10/15/2015, 10/20/2017