Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 901:5-11-04 - Commercial applicator license(A) The initial and renewal fee for a commercial applicator license shall be thirty-five dollars per licensing period. This fee is non-refundable. If an application for license renewal is not postmarked prior to the expiration of the current licensing period as established in paragraph (B) of this rule, this fee shall be increased by fifty per cent.(B) The licensing period for commercial applicators shall commence on the first day of October of each year and expire on the last day of September of the following year.(C) An applicant shall be issued a commercial applicator license if the applicant has satisfied the licensing requirements set out in Chapter 921. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder, and the following have been received by the director: (1) A completed formal application;(2) Demonstration that the applicant possesses the adequate knowledge and competence to apply pesticides and conduct diagnostic inspections within the pesticide use categories for which the applicant seeks licensure, as set forth in rule 901:5-11-08 of the Administrative Code; and(3) The fee as set forth in paragraph (A) of this rule.(D) Nonresident commercial applicators may be exempted from the requirements of paragraph (C)(2) of this rule for those pesticide use categories in which they are currently licensed in another state so long as the following conditions are met: (1) The nonresident commercial applicator has filed with the director an official copy of the nonresident commercial applicator's valid license which has been verified by the Ohio department of agriculture; and(2) The Ohio department of agriculture has found that the requirements for obtaining licensure and determining competence in the licensing state are deemed to be substantially equivalent to those in Ohio.Ohio Admin. Code 901:5-11-04
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/18/2024 and 09/18/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 921.16
Rule Amplifies: 921.06, 921.16
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/1977, 02/01/1994, 10/29/1998, 10/01/2001, 04/30/2002, 07/01/2004, 10/15/2015Effective: 10/15/2015
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/29/2015 and 10/15/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 921.16
Rule Amplifies: 921.06, 921.16
Prior Effective Dates: 1-1-77; 2-1-94; 10-29-98; 10-1-01; 4/30/02; 7-1-04