Section 901:11-4-06 - Cleaning and sanitizing of containers and equipment Multiple loads of milk may be picked up continuously within a twenty-four hour period provided the bulk milk transport tank or conveyance and the related multi-use equipment are cleaned and sanitized after each twenty-four hour period of use. (A) The first receiving facility shall clearly indicate on the cleaning and sanitizing tag the earliest milk pickup time as recorded on the milk pickup manifest.(B) Each receiving facility shall make a copy of the original wash tag for each bulk milk transport tank load received and maintain a record of this information at their facility. Ohio Admin. Code 901:11-4-06
Effective: 1/18/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/3/2023 and 01/18/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 917.02
Rule Amplifies: 917.02
Prior Effective Dates: 11/18/2002, 06/06/2005, 05/15/2007, 05/11/2012