Section 901:1-5-11 - Revalidating an areaThe department of agriculture may revalidate an area at the expiration of the three-year validation period, if,
(A) Each breeding herd of swine in the area qualifies by either: (1) A negative herd test, in which all breeding swine six months of age or older are tested within the last eighteen months of the validation period; or (2) A negative blood test of at least ten percent of the breeding swine over six months of age, or a minimum of one animal, whichever is greater, during each year of the validation period. To qualify by this method at least one-half of the required tests shall be reported by the end of the first eighteen months of the three-year validation period; (B) Each herd found infected during the validation period is quarantined until freed of brucellosis; (C) The accumulated number of infected herds found in the area during the three-year validation period does not exceed five percent of the herds in the area, or one herd, whichever is greater; (D) Each reactor found in the area is: (1) Permanently identified; and (2) Moved under permit for slaughter only at approved slaughtering establishments, or disposed of in accordance with the procedures outlined in the plans selected by the owners for managing infected herds; (E) All buildings, farrowing pens, equipment, etc., used by swine in the infected herds are cleaned and disinfected following removal of reactors or of the entire herds. Ohio Admin. Code 901:1-5-11
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/6/2018 and 09/06/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.03, 941.22
Rule Amplifies: 941.22
Prior Effective Dates: 08/09/1968R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/25/2010 and 03/25/2015
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.03, 941.22
Rule Amplifies: 941.22
Prior Effective Dates: 8/9/68