Ohio Admin. Code 901:1-13-05

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 901:1-13-05 - Flock and herd plans
(A) Flock and herd depopulation plans.
(1) The owner of a flock or herd that participates in a depopulation plan shall:
(a) Report within twenty four hours suspect animals and the deaths of animals over fourteen months of age;
(b) Identify all animals with an official identification as defined in rule 901:1-13-04 of the Administrative Code;
(c) Provide epidemiological information requested by the designated scrapie/TSE epidemiologist;
(d) Authorize breed associations, registries, livestock markets and packers to release any records relating to his or her flock or herd.
(e) Remove all intact animals;
(f) Under the supervision of a state or federal representative; clean and disinfect all buildings, pens, equipment and vehicles used by the quarantined herd or flock; and,
(g) Provide facilities and personnel necessary to carry out the details of a flock or herd depopulation and make animals available for inspection and testing.
(2) An owner who repopulates a flock or herd within five years of depopulation shall either enroll the flock or herd in a scrapie flock certification program, or sign a PEMMP.
(B) Genetic based flock and herd plans.
(1) The owner of a flock or herd that participates in a genetic based flock or herd plan shall:
(a) Remove all intact QQ sheep, offspring of female positive sheep, intact goats, suspects and test-positive animals;
(b) Remove other animals if indicated by genetic results of the scrapie positive animal(s);
(c) Report within twenty four hours any suspect animals and all deaths of animals over fourteen months of age;
(d) Identify all animals with an official identification as defined in rule 901:1-13-04 of the Administrative Code;
(e) Provide epidemiological information requested by the designated scrapie epidemiologist;
(f) Authorize breed associations, registries, livestock markets and packers to release any records relating to the owner's flock or herd;
(g) Apply electronic identification to all exposed animals that are not removed from the flock or herd under the flock/herd plan except sheep with an RR at codon 171;
(h) Under the supervision of a state or federal representative, clean and disinfect all buildings, pens, equipment and vehicles used by the quarantined herd or flock;
(i) Provide facilities and personnel necessary to carry out the details of a depopulation flock or herd and make animals available for inspection and testing; and
(j) Enroll in a scrapie flock certification program or sign a PEMMP.
(C) Exposure based flock plans.
(1) The owner of a flock that participates in an exposure based flock plan shall:
(a) Depopulate the following sexually intact animals, except male sheep that have tested RR at codon 171 and AA at codon 136 using an official genotype test:
(i) The progeny of a scrapie-positive dam;
(ii) Those born in the same flock during the same lambing season as progeny of a scrapie-positive dam, unless the progeny of the scrapie-positive dam are from separate contemporary lambing groups;
(iii) Those born in the same flock during the same lambing season that a scrapie-positive animal was born, or during any subsequent lambing season, if born before that flock completes the requirements of a flock plan; and
(iv) An exposed female sheep that has not tested QR, HR, or RR at codon 171 using an official genotype test.
(b) Depopulate any other animals that are required to be removed under a genotype plan for the flock.
(c) The owner of a flock or herd that participates in a genetic based flock or herd plan shall:
(i) Report within twenty four hours any suspect animals and all deaths of animals over fourteen months of age;
(ii) Identify all animals with an official identification as defined in rule 901:1-13-04 of the Administrative Code;
(iii) Provide epidemiological information requested by the designated scrapie epidemiologist;
(iv) Authorize breed associations, registries, livestock markets and packers to release any records relating to the owner's flock or herd;
(v) Under the supervision of a state or federal representative, clean and disinfect all buildings, pens, equipment and vehicles used by the quarantined herd or flock;
(vi) Provide facilities and personnel necessary to carry out the details of a depopulation flock or herd and make animals available for inspection and testing; and
(vii) Enroll in a scrapie flock certification program or sign a PEMMP.
(D) Post-exposure management and monitoring plan
(1) The owner of a flock or herd that participates in a post-exposure management and monitoring plan shall:
(a) Maintain, and keep for a minimum of five years after an animal dies or is otherwise removed from a flock/herd, the following records for each animal in the flock/herd:
(i) Any identifying marks or tags present on the animal including:
(a)Individual official identification;
(b)Any secondary form of identification the owner of the flock/herd may choose to maintain; and
(ii) Sex, year of birth, breed and when possible to determine, the following: sire, dam and offspring of the animal; and
(iii) Date of acquisition and previous flock/herd, if the animal was not born into the flock/herd; and
(iv) Disposition of the animal including:
(a)Date of death; and
(b)Cause of death; or
(c)Date of removal from the flock/herd; and
(d)Name and address of the person to whom the animal was transferred.
(b) Upon request by a state or APHIS representative, have an accredited veterinarian collect tissues from animals for scrapie diagnostic purposes and submit them to a laboratory designated by a state or APHIS representative.
(c) Upon request by the state or APHIS representative, must make animals in the flock and the records required to be kept as part of these plans available for inspection.
(d) Meet requirements found necessary by a designated scrapie/TSE epidemiologist to monitor for scrapie and to prevent the recurrence of scrapie in the flock and to prevent the spread of scrapie from the flock.

Ohio Admin. Code 901:1-13-05

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 7/2/2019 and 07/02/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.03
Rule Amplifies: 941.06, 941.07, 941.09, 941.11
Prior Effective Dates: 01/10/2005
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/25/2010 and 03/25/2015
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.03
Rule Amplifies: 941.06, 941.07, 941.09, 941.11
Prior Effective Dates: 1-10-05