Section 901-19-10 - Testing requirements and test resultsThis is a mandatory rule.
(A) Urine, blood, tissue, and other test samples shall be collected in accordance with the department's protocol for the collection of livestock test samples at exhibitions. Test samples may be collected before, during, or immediately after a show. Deviation from the protocol shall be noted by the official veterinarian.(B) The director may at the director's discretion, collect any urine, blood, tissue, or other test samples from exhibition animals .(C) The collection of samples and coordination activities are the responsibility of the official veterinarian.Ohio Admin. Code 901-19-10
Effective: 5/23/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/8/2024 and 05/23/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 901.72
Rule Amplifies: 901.73
Prior Effective Dates: 06/23/1996, 05/01/1997, 03/21/2016