Section 5139-36-19 - Program(A) The CCF will identify each juvenile's needs, then provide or make referrals as appropriate, which include, but are not limited to psychological, academic, vocational, and personal services.(B) The CCF will have provisions for quality assurance practices to include, but not be limited to systematic and periodic review of juvenile's services and needs.(C) A CCF will have a written description of the programs and services which will be offered to each juvenile at the time of admission.(D) The CCF will develop and use community resources either through referrals or by contractual agreement to provide juveniles available services.(E) The CCF will maintain a periodic inventory and assessment of community agencies.(F) The CCF will maintain and document working relationships with community health agencies assisting juveniles in meeting their chemical dependency and other specialized treatment needs.(G) The CCF will create a mission statement of purpose and a program overview that will be made available to staff, juveniles and the public upon request.(H) The CCF will provide individual treatment to each juvenile at a minimum of one time per week and this must be documented.(I) Written policy, procedure, and practice provide for a social services program that makes available a range of resources appropriate to the needs of juveniles, including individual, group, and family counseling; drug and alcohol treatment; family planning; HIV and AIDS education; and special offender treatment.(J) A CCF shall provide recreational supplies and equipment as well as the opportunity to participate in one hour of structured planned constructive leisure time activity throughout the week, and one hour of large-muscle recreational activity per day.(K) The CCF will employ acceptable case and juvenile-offender management techniques to ensure a uniform approach to juvenile supervision and treatment.(L) Within thirty days of the date of admission of each youth, the CCF will develop and implement an individual treatment plan for each juvenile. All key staff members will be involved in developing and implementing the treatment plan for the juvenile and his/her family.(M) The juvenile's treatment plan will include, but not be limited to: (1) Presenting problem(s) and anything which may prohibit a juvenile's success in their adjustment to the community once released from the facility.(2) A statement of needs.(3) Behavioral goals and objectives that can be measured.(4) A statement of the time frame projected for attaining the goals and objectives.(5) Specification of the activities, such as education, counseling, recreation, vocational, visitation with parents/guardians, medical services, food services, psychiatric and psychological counseling and religious programming that will be provided to the juvenile by the CCF.(6) Specification of any specialized services that will be provided or arranged.(N) A staff member involved in the development and implementation of the juvenile's treatment plan will review and document the plan every thirty days. Any change in a treatment plan when reviewed, will be discussed with the juvenile. The review is dated and documented by staff and juvenile signatures and forwarded to the court on a bi-monthly basis.(O) The CCF will have provisions for juveniles to voluntarily participate in religious services and functions, within the facility and or the community.(P) The CCF shall have a written policy and procedure requiring that the CCF shall provide reasonable access to religious programming. No negative consequences shall accrue from a juvenile's refusal to participate in a religious service or function. All religions shall be accorded equal status and protection, subject to the limitations necessary to maintain order and security.(Q) The CCF shall follow all minimum standards, rules and requirements of the Ohio department of education, as well as all other applicable state and federal law.(R) The CCF will have a written policy and procedure providing that work assignments shall not conflict with minimum education programs.(S) The CCF will contract with a valid educational entity authorized and/or sanctioned by the Ohio department of education for all school services.(T) The CCF will provide or make arrangements to provide juveniles with appropriate employment development resources.(U) The CCF shall make provisions which prohibit juveniles from performing any work prohibited by state and federal regulations and statutes pertaining to child labor.(V) The CCF shall have a written policy, procedure, and practice providing that juveniles employed outside the program, either full-time or part-time, comply with all legal and regulatory requirements.(W) The CCF will have provisions to conduct exit interviews, when practical. Copies will be retained in the juvenile's inactive file. The exit interview will be recorded on forms created by the facility.(X) There will be a written policy and procedure for juvenile grievances, which shall include a provision for:(1) Notification of grievance process(2) Method of obtaining forms to file a grievance(3) Retention of all grievances and(4) Timelines for processing grievances.Ohio Admin. Code 5139-36-19
Effective: 12/23/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/6/2022 and 12/23/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5139.04
Rule Amplifies: 5139.23, 5139.33, 5139.36
Prior Effective Dates: 02/03/2004, 10/20/2007, 02/07/2014, 10/16/2017