Chapter 4901:1-7 - Local Exchange Carriers
- Section 4901:1-7-01 - Definitions
- Section 4901:1-7-02 - General applicability
- Section 4901:1-7-03 - Toll presubscription
- Section 4901:1-7-04 - Rural telephone company exemption
- Section 4901:1-7-05 - Rural carrier suspensions and modifications
- Section 4901:1-7-06 - Interconnection
- Section 4901:1-7-07 - Establishment of interconnection agreements
- Section 4901:1-7-08 - Negotiation and mediation of 47 U.S.C. 252 interconnection agreements
- Section 4901:1-7-09 - Arbitration of 47 U.S.C. 252 interconnection agreements
- Section 4901:1-7-10 - Mediation for carrier-to-carrier disputes
- Section 4901:1-7-11 - Collocation
- Section 4901:1-7-12 - Compensation for the transport and termination of non-access telecommunications traffic
- Section 4901:1-7-13 - Transit traffic compensation
- Section 4901:1-7-14 - Compensation for intrastate switched access reciprocal compensation traffic and carrier-to-carrier tariff
- Section 4901:1-7-15 - Meet point billing (MPB)
- Section 4901:1-7-16 - Unbundled network elements (UNE)
- Section 4901:1-7-17 - Carrier-to-carrier pricing
- Section 4901:1-7-18 - Interim rates for forward-looking economic prices
- Section 4901:1-7-19 - Forward-looking economic costs
- Section 4901:1-7-20 - Cost study requirements
- Section 4901:1-7-21 - Resale
- Section 4901:1-7-22 - Customer migration
- Section 4901:1-7-23 - [Rescinded] Rights-of-way, poles, ducts, and conduit
- Section 4901:1-7-24 - Local number portability (LNP)
- Section 4901:1-7-25 - Number optimization
- Section 4901:1-7-26 - Competition safeguards
- Section 4901:1-7-27 - Local exchange carrier default
- Section 4901:1-7-28 - [Rescinded] Request for expedited ruling in a carrier-to-carrier complaint
- Section 4901:1-7-29 - [Rescinded] Local exchange carrier default