Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4901:1-34-01 - DefinitionsAs used in this chapter:
(A) "Commission" means the public utilities commission of Ohio. (B) "Governmental aggregator" has the meaning set forth in division (K)(1) of section 4929.01 of the Revised Code. For purposes of this chapter, "governmental aggregator" specifically excludes a municipal corporation acting exclusively under Section 4 of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution, as an aggregator for the provision of competitive retail natural gas service. (C) "Natural gas company" has the meaning set forth in division (G) of section 4929.01 of the Revised Code. (D) "Retail natural gas supplier" has the meaning set forth in division (N) of section 4929.01 of the Revised Code. (E) "Staff" means the staff of the public utilities commission of Ohio. Ohio Admin. Code 4901:1-34-01
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 7/5/2024 and 07/05/2029
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4929.01, 4929.10, 4929.24, 4905.54
Rule Amplifies: 4929.01, 4929.24, 4905.54, 4905.05, 4905.06, 4905.26
Prior Effective Dates: 07/04/2002R.C. 119.032 review dates: 07/30/2014 and 07/30/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4929.01, 4929.10, 4929.24, 4905.54
Rule Amplifies: 4929.01, 4929.24, 4905.54, 4905.05, 4905.06, 4905.26
Prior Effective Dates: 7/4/02