Ohio Admin. Code 4901:1-15-19

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4901:1-15-19 - Meter reading, inspecting, testing, and the location of meters
(A) This rule only applies to waterworks companies and/or sewage disposal system companies providing metered service. Each company shall read customer meters at least once during a three-month period unless access to the meter is unobtainable. If access to a meter is unobtainable on a quarterly basis, then each company must read each customer's meter at least once per year. The reading of a generator-type or pulse-type remote meter device does not satisfy this requirement.
(B) Inspecting and testing
(1) All billing meters and testing equipment shall comply with the industry accuracy standards such as those set forth by the American water works association.
(2) Each company shall perform routine testing of billing meters and maintain records of individual meters. Such records shall contain numerical identification of the meter, meter size, testing conditions, test results, testing date, and name of the meter tester.
(3) Each company shall perform either an on-site or bench meter test once every three years, without charge, if requested by the customer. The meter test shall be performed within thirty days from the request. The company may request a reasonable justification for a meter test. Results of an on-site meter test shall be provided to the customer at the time of the test. Should the onsite meter test indicate primary meter inaccuracy, the primary meter shall be removed and bench tested in accordance with the accuracy standards set forth in paragraph (B)(1) of this rule. If an on-site meter test is conducted or, if the primary meter is removed for off-site testing, the company shall provide the customer the test results and any associated billing adjustments in writing. If the primary meter fails to meet the accuracy standards, the company shall, within thirty days, perform any necessary billing adjustments.

(4) The customer has the right to be notified of the scheduled test date and, at the customer's request, the customer or the customer's representative may be present when the meter test is performed.
(5) Records of all tests shall be maintained for a period of not less than three years.
(C) Location of meters
(1) The company shall have the right to determine the location of the meter so that it is easily accessible for reading and maintenance, and protected from freezing and mechanical damage.
(2) When a number of meters are grouped, every meter shall be tagged to indicate the particular customer served by it.
(3) When a meter is located inside a home or other building, the company may install a remote register or dial on the exterior of the home or other building.

Ohio Admin. Code 4901:1-15-19

Effective: 6/28/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/7/2023 and 06/13/2028
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: R.C. 4905.04
Rule Amplifies: R.C. 4905.06
Prior Effective Dates: 12/12/1991, 03/24/2003, 08/22/2008