Ohio Admin. Code 4901:1-13-04

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4901:1-13-04 - Metering
(A) Service provided by a gas or natural gas company shall be metered, except where it is impractical to meter the gas usage, such as in street lighting and temporary or special installations. The usage in such exceptions may be calculated or billed in accordance with an approved tariff on file with the commission.
(B) A customer's usage shall be metered by commercially acceptable measuring devices.
(C) Gas or natural gas company authorized agents shall have the right of access to metering equipment .
(D) Meter test at customer's request.
(1) Upon request by a customer, the company shall test its meter to verify its compliance with section 4933.09 of the Revised Code, within thirty business days after the date of the request.
(2) The customer or the customer's representative has the right to be present when the meter test is performed at the customer's request.
(3) A written explanation of the test results shall be provided to the customer within ten business days of the completed test.
(4) Each company shall notify the customer of applicable tariff charges prior to the test.
(5) If the accuracy of the meter is found to be outside the tolerances specified in section 4933.09 of the Revised Code, the gas or natural gas company shall do all of the following:
(a) Not charge a fee or recover any testing expenses from the customer.
(b) Provide a properly functioning meter without charge to the customer.
(c) Within thirty days, pay or credit, at the customer's discretion, any overpayment to the customer, in accordance with one of the following billing adjustments:
(i) When the company or customer has reasonably established the approximate period of meter inaccuracy, the overcharge shall be computed on the basis of a customer's metered usage prior and/or subsequent to such period consistent with the rates in effect during that period.
(ii) When the company and customer cannot reasonably establish the approximate period of meter inaccuracy, the overcharge period shall be determined to be the most recent twelve months, or the period since the date of the most recent meter test performed, whichever is less. The rates applicable shall be those in effect during the period of inaccuracy in order to determine the appropriate credit or refund.

Paragraph (D)(5) of this rule does not apply in the event there has been either tampering with or unauthorized reconnection of the meter, metering equipment, or other property of the gas or natural gas company during the involved period of time, where such activity causes meter or metering inaccuracies or no measurement of service.

(E) Each gas or natural gas company shall identify each customer meter that it owns, operates, or maintains, by serial or assigned meter numbers and/or letters, placed in a conspicuous position on the meter.
(F) In accordance with the records retention schedules set forth in the appendix to rule 4901:1-9-06 of the Administrative Code, each gas or natural gas company shall maintain all of the meter test records for two years or until the next superseding test, whichever is longer.

(G) Meter reading.
(1) Each gas or natural gas company shall obtain actual readings of its customer meters at least once every twelve months. At a minimum, each company shall make reasonable attempts to obtain actual readings of its customer meters every other month, except where the customer and the company have agreed to other arrangements. Meter readings taken by electronic means i.e., automated meter reading equipment) are considered actual readings. While remote meter index equipment readings may be used by a company, they do not qualify as actual meter readings. Once operationally feasible, actual meter reads shall be performed by the company on a monthly basis when automatic meter reading equipment is installed in a specific geographic area of the company.

Adherence to the procedures of a gas or natural gas company's plan, accepted

(2) When a gas or natural gas company has undercharged any residential customer as the result of a meter or metering inaccuracy, billing problem, or other continuing problem under the gas or natural gas company's control, the company may only bill the customer for the amount of the unmetered gas rendered in the three hundred sixty-five days immediately prior to the date the company remedies the meter inaccuracy. Customers shall be notified by the gas or natural gas company of their right to have twelve months to pay, in equal installments, any undercharge for unmetered gas service.
(3) When a gas or natural gas company has undercharged any small commercial customer as the result of a meter or metering inaccuracy, billing problem, or other continuing problem under the gas or natural gas company's control, unless the customer and the company agree otherwise, the maximum portion of the undercharge that may be billed to the small commercial customer in any billing month, based upon the appropriate rates, is determined by dividing the amount of the undercharge by the number of months of undercharged service. The company may only bill the customer for the amount of the unmetered gas rendered in the thirty-six month period immediately prior to the date the company remedies the meter inaccuracy. Each gas or natural gas company shall state the total amount to be collected in the first bill under this rule. This paragraph does not affect the gas or natural gas company's recovery of regular monthly charges.
(4) This rule does not apply in the event there has been either the tampering with or the unauthorized reconnection of the meter, metering equipment, or other property of the gas or natural gas company during the involved period of time, where such activity causes meter or metering inaccuracies or no measurement of service.
(5) Upon the customer's request, and in addition to the requirements of paragraph (G)(1) of this rule, the gas or natural gas company shall provide two actual meter readings, without charge, per calendar year. The customer may only request an actual meter reading, without charge, if the customer's usage has been estimated for more than two of the immediately preceding billing cycles consecutively or if the customer has reasonable grounds to believe that the meter is malfunctioning. Nothing in the preceding sentence is intended to limit a customer's ability to obtain a meter reading prior to transferring service to a new retail natural gas supplier or governmental aggregator as provided by paragraph (J) of rule 4901:1-29-06 of the Administrative Code.
(6) Each gas or natural gas company is required to do an actual meter reading at the initiation and/or the termination of service if the meter has not been read within the immediately preceding seventy days and access to the meter is provided.
(7) If a gas or natural gas company has read the meter within the immediately preceding seventy days, it shall inform the customer, when the customer contacts the company to initiate or terminate service, of the customer's right to have an actual meter read at no charge to the customer.
(8) When a meter reading is scheduled through a menu-driven, automated, interactive answering system that allows the customer to interact electronically rather than through a live person, the gas or natural gas company shall provide confirmation (e.g., order confirmation number, written letter) to the customer by the following business day, verifying the nature of the interaction and any appointment made.
(9) Where there is a landlord/tenant relationship and neither the gas or natural gas company nor the customer has access to the meter, the gas or natural gas company shall render notice by mail to both the landlord, when the address is available, and the tenant, summarizing its inability to obtain access to the meter for any of the provisions of this rule.

Ohio Admin. Code 4901:1-13-04

Effective: 9/18/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/16/2026
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4905.04, 4905.06, 4905.22, 4905.28
Rule Amplifies: 4933.09, 4933.10, 4933.28
Prior Effective Dates: 12/07/2006, 01/06/2011, 04/09/2015, 08/05/2021