Ohio Admin. Code 4781-6-03.5

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4781-6-03.5 - Optional features
(A) Features added during installation.

Optional equipment or features shall not take the home out of conformance with the requirements of the MHCSS and these standards.

(B) Expanding rooms.

The support and anchoring systems for expanding rooms shall be installed in accordance with designs provided by the home manufacturer or prepared by a registered professional engineer or registered architect in accordance with acceptable engineering practice.

(C) Optional appliances.
(1) Comfort cooling systems. When not provided and installed by the home manufacturer, comfort cooling systems shall be installed according to the appliance manufacturer's installation instructions.
(a) Air conditioners. Air conditioning equipment shall be listed or certified by a nationally recognized testing agency for the application for which the unit is intended and installed in accordance with the terms of its listing or certification.
(i) Energy efficiency.
(a) Site-installed central air conditioning equipment shall be sized to meet the home's heat gain requirement, in accordance with chapter twenty-eight of the ASHRAE "Handbook of Fundamentals" or ACCA "Manual J, Residential Cooling Load," eighth edition.
(b) The BTU per hour rated capacity of the site-installed air conditioning equipment shall not exceed the air distribution system's rated BTU per hour capacity as shown on the home's compliance certificate.
(ii) Circuit rating. If a manufactured home is factory provided with an exterior outlet to energize heating and/or air conditioning equipment, the branch circuit rating on the tag adjacent to this outlet shall be equal to or greater than the minimum circuit amperage identified on the equipment rating plate.
(iii) A-coil units.
(a) A-coil air conditioning units shall be compatible and listed for use with the furnace in the home and installed in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions.
(b) The air conditioner manufacturer's instructions shall be followed.
(c) All condensation shall be directed beyond the perimeter of the home by means specified by the equipment manufacturer.
(b) Heat pumps. Heat pumps shall be listed or certified by a nationally recognized testing agency for the application for which the unit is intended and installed in accordance with the terms of its listing or certification.
(2) Fireplace and wood-stove chimneys and air inlets. Fireplace and wood-stove chimneys and air inlets shall be listed for use with manufactured homes and shall be installed in accordance with their listings.
(3) Appliance venting.
(a) All heat - producing appliances, except ranges and ovens, shall be vented to the exterior of the home.
(b) When the vent exhausts through the floor, the vent shall not terminate under the home and shall extend to the home's exterior and through any skirting or foundation wall that may be installed.
(4) Flood hazard areas.
(a) Outside appliances. Appliances installed on the manufactured home site shall be anchored and elevated to or above the same elevation as the minimum flood elevation of the lowest floor of the home.
(b) Air inlets and exhausts. Appliance air inlets and exhausts shall be located at or above the same elevation as the minimum flood elevation of the lowest floor of the home.
(5) Clothes dryer exhaust system duct. A clothes dryer exhaust duct system shall conform with and be completed in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's instructions and rule 4781-6- 03.6 of the Administrative Code. The vents shall exhaust to the exterior of the home, beyond any perimeter skirting installed around it, as shown in figure 5A of this rule.

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(D) Skirting.
(1) Skirting, if used, shall be of weather-resistant materials.
(2) Skirting shall not be attached in a manner that can cause water to be trapped between the siding and trim or forced up into the wall cavities trim to which it is attached.
(3) All wood skirting within six inches of the ground shall be pressure treated in accordance with AWPA "Standard U1 for Use Category 4A, Ground Anchor Contact Applications" or be naturally resistant to decay and termite infestations.
(4) Skirting shall not be attached in a manner that impedes the contraction and expansion characteristics of the home's exterior covering and siding.
(E) Crawlspace ventilation.
(1) A crawlspace with solid skirting shall be provided with ventilation openings. The minimum net area of ventilation openings must not be less than one square foot for every one hundred fifty square feet of the home's floor area.

The total area of ventilation openings may be reduced to one square foot for every fifteen hundred square feet of the home's floor area, where uniform six mil polyethylene vapor retarder or other acceptable vapor retarder required under rule 4781-6- 03.2 of the Administrative Code is placed on the ground surface beneath the entire floor area of the home with a minimum of four vents per enclosed crawlspace area.

(2) Ventilation openings shall be placed as high as practicable above the ground and located on at least two opposite sides to provide cross-ventilation. The vents shall be located within three feet of the corners of the home and unobstructed.
(3) Ventilation openings shall be covered for their full height and width with a perforated corrosion and weather resistant covering that is designed to prevent the entry of rodents. In areas subject to freezing, the coverings for the ventilation openings shall be of the adjustable type, permitting them to be in the open or closed position, depending on the climatic conditions.
(4) Access opening(s) not less than eighteen inches in width and twenty- four inches in height and not less than three square feet in area shall be provided and shall be located so that any utility connections located under the home are accessible.
(5) Condensate drains, water heater drains, and furnace drains shall be provided when specified by the HVAC manufacturer's installation instructions and in the absence of manufacturer's installation instructions, where condensate is discharged from equipment. All condensate pans and collectors shall have condensate drains. HVAC condensation drains shall pass to the outside or into another approved drain that passes to the outside of the home. Drains shall be supported in accordance with paragraph (D) of rule 4781-6- 03.6of the Administrative Code.
(6) Dryer vents and combustion air inlets shall pass through the skirting to the outside of the home. See figure 5A "Dryer Exhaust system" of this rule.

Ohio Admin. Code 4781-6-03.5

Effective: 1/20/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/27/2019 and 01/20/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4781.04, 4781.14
Rule Amplifies: 4781.04, 4781.14
Prior Effective Dates: 09/15/2006, 01/01/2010, 06/02/2011, 12/01/2012