Section 4766-2-09 - Maintenance documentation[Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated by reference in this chapter of the Administrative Code, see rule 4766-2-18 of the Administrative Code.]
(A) Ambulances and non-transport vehicles: (1) All licensed MTOs shall ensure performance and maintain documentation of all periodic maintenance and repairs on each permitted vehicle to include: (a) Date of service or repair;(b) Description of service/repair performed;(c) Name of person who performed service/repair and the business name, if applicable.(2) Licensed MTOs shall subject all ambulance(s) and non-transport vehicle(s) to periodic mechanical safety inspection(s), which shall be documented by the service.(a) A periodic mechanical safety inspection shall mean an inspection conducted: (i) Prior to a vehicle's initial permit being issued for vehicles with an odometer reading of twelve thousand miles or more, and;(ii) Annually and completed within the six month period prior to the MTO's license expiration date, or;(iii) Every twenty-five thousand miles for a vehicle that has an odometer reading of one hundred fifty thousand miles or more. The mechanic shall attest that the vehicle was inspected, mechanically safe, and roadworthy at the time of inspection. The mechanic shall complete and sign a "Periodic Mechanical Safety Report" for each vehicle and these reports shall be maintained by the service in the vehicle's maintenance records.
(b) Each mechanical safety inspection shall be conducted by a mechanic with factory training and certification from an original (motor vehicle) equipment manufacturer or equivalent certification for "Emergency Vehicle Technicians" (EVT) or from the "National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence" (ASE).(c) Each mechanical safety inspection shall be conducted in addition to the vehicle and equipment inspection by the board or its designee following the procedures adopted in rule 4766-2-08 of the Administrative Code.(d) Vehicles with failed items found during the mechanical safety inspection shall be removed from service and not placed back into service until items are corrected. Proof of correction(s) shall be maintained by the service with the "Periodic Mechanical Safety Report" form in the vehicle's maintenance records.(3) Out of service permitted ambulance(s) or non-transport vehicle(s): If a licensed MTO removes a permitted ambulance or non-transport vehicle from service it shall place an "out of service" sign in the permitted ambulance or non-transport vehicle to be visible through the windshield with the following information included on the front of the sign:
(a) Date permitted ambulance or non-transport vehicle was taken out of service;(b) Odometer reading at time permitted ambulance or non-transport vehicle was taken out of service;(c) Reason permitted ambulance or non-transport vehicle was taken out of service;(d) Printed name and signature of person responsible for taking permitted vehicle out of service;(e) The words "out of service" utilizing not less than three inch lettering.(4) If a permitted ambulance or non-transport vehicle is at a repair/maintenance shop that is not owned or operated by the licensed MTO for maintenance purposes, no "out of service" sign is required. (B) Bio-medical equipment/patient care equipment: (1) A licensed MTO shall ensure performance and maintain documentation of all periodic maintenance and repairs of bio-medical equipment as required by manufacturer and/or food and drug administration including but not limited to the following: (a) Date of last inspection;(b) Date of service or repair;(c) Description of service/repair performed;(d) Name of who performed inspection, service, or repair;(e) Documentation of inspection, service, or repair performed.(2) A licensed MTO shall maintain documentation of all periodic maintenance of patient care equipment as required by the original equipment manufacturer, including but not limited to the following. (a) Date of last inspection;(b) Date of service or repair;(c) Description of service/repair performed;(d) Name of who performed inspection, service, or repair;(e) Documentation of inspection, service, or repair performed.(C) Ambulance and non-transport vehicle maintenance/repair records shall be kept for a period of twelve months after the vehicle is removed from inventory.Ohio Admin. Code 4766-2-09
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/29/2021 and 11/01/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4766.03
Rule Amplifies: 4766.04, 4766.07
Prior Effective Dates: 07/02/2009, 04/16/2012, 06/15/2017Effective: 6/15/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 01/13/2017 and 03/15/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4766.03
Rule Amplifies: 4766.04, 4766.07
Prior Effective Dates: 07/02/2009, 04/16/2012