Ohio Admin. Code 4729:3-3-04

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 23, 2024
Section 4729:3-3-04 - Certified pharmacy technicians
(A) As used in this rule, "positive identification" has the same meaning as in rule 4729:5-5-01 of the Administrative Code.
(B) A certified pharmacy technician shall wear a name tag or badge which contains the designation "Certified Pharmacy Technician." The required designation may be added to an existing name tag or badge. The name tag or badge and the required designation shall contain lettering of a legible size.
(C) A certified pharmacy technician may, under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, engage in the following activities at a location licensed as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs to the extent that the activities do not require the exercise of professional judgment:
(1) Accepting new written, faxed or electronic prescription orders from a prescriber or a prescriber's agent. New verbal prescription orders from a prescriber or a prescriber's agent for non-controlled drugs may be accepted pursuant to paragraph (C)(13) of this rule.
(2) Entering information into and retrieving information from a database or patient profile.
(3) Preparing and affixing labels.
(4) Stocking dangerous drugs and retrieving those drugs from inventory.
(5) Counting and pouring dangerous drugs into containers.
(6) Placing dangerous drugs into containers prior to dispensing by a pharmacist.
(7) Non-sterile drug compounding in accordance with the required training in paragraph (D) of this rule.
(8) Sterile drug compounding in accordance with the required training in paragraph (E) of this rule.
(9) Packaging and selling a dangerous drug to a patient or patient representative.
(10) Sending or receiving electronic prescriptions between pharmacies accessing the same prescription records in a centralized database or pharmacy computers linked in any other manner.
(11) Stocking automated drug storage systems, floor stock, and crash carts at a location licensed as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs.
(a) Notwithstanding the definition of direct supervision in rule 4729:3-1-01 of the Administrative Code, a certified pharmacy technician may stock automated drug storage systems, crash carts, and floor stock at a location licensed as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs if a pharmacist is not physically present at the licensed location and all of the following apply:
(i) A pharmacist is readily available to answer questions of the certified pharmacy technician;
(ii) A pharmacist is responsible for conducting routine verifications of the activities of the certified pharmacy technician to prevent the diversion of dangerous drugs;
(iii) A pharmacist is fully responsible for all activities conducted by the certified pharmacy technician at the licensed location.
(12) Requesting refill authorizations for dangerous drugs from a prescriber or prescriber's agent, so long as there is no change from the original prescription;
(13) Accepting new verbal prescription orders, including refill authorizations, for non-controlled drugs from a prescriber or a prescriber's agent pursuant to all of the following:
(a) The pharmacist on duty who is supervising the activity of the certified pharmacy technician will determine if the technician is competent to receive a verbal order.
(b) The pharmacist on duty who is supervising the activity of the certified pharmacy technician is responsible for the accuracy of a prescription order received by a technician.
(c) The pharmacist on duty must be immediately available to answer questions or discuss the prescription order received by a certified pharmacy technician.
(d) The certified pharmacy technician may not receive a prescription order for a controlled substance.
(e) If applicable, the certified pharmacy technician receiving a prescription order must document the full name of the prescriber's agent.
(f) The receiving certified pharmacy technician shall immediately reduce the prescription order to writing, which may include entering the information directly into a computerized record keeping system, and shall review the prescription with the pharmacist on duty.
(g) Prior to dispensing, positive identification of the receiving certified pharmacy technician and the pharmacist on duty shall be recorded to identify the responsibility for the receipt of the prescription.
(h) The certified pharmacy technician and the pharmacist on duty must meet all other applicable rules for the receipt of new verbal prescription orders pursuant to agency 4729 of the Administrative Code.
(14) Send or receive copies of non-controlled prescriptions pursuant to all of the following:
(a) The pharmacist on duty who is supervising the activity of the certified pharmacy technician will determine if the technician is competent to send or receive a prescription copy.
(b) The pharmacist on duty who is supervising the activity of the certified pharmacy technician is responsible for the accuracy of a prescription copy that is sent or received by a technician.
(c) The pharmacist on duty must be immediately available to answer questions or discuss the prescription copy that is sent or received by a certified pharmacy technician.
(d) The certified pharmacy technician may not send or receive a prescription copy for a controlled substance.
(e) The pharmacist or certified pharmacy technician receiving a prescription copy from a certified pharmacy technician must document the full names of the sending technician and the technician's supervising pharmacist. The receiving technician shall immediately reduce the prescription copy to writing, which may include entering the information directly into a computerized record keeping system, and shall review the prescription with the pharmacist on duty. Prior to dispensing, positive identification of the certified pharmacy technician and the pharmacist on duty shall be recorded to identify the responsibility for the receipt of the copy.
(f) The pharmacist or certified pharmacy technician sending a prescription copy to a certified technician must document the full names of the receiving technician and the technician's supervising pharmacist.
(g) The certified technician and the pharmacist on duty must meet all other applicable rules for the transfer of a prescription copy pursuant agency 4729 of the Administrative Code.
(15) Contacting a prescriber or prescriber's agent to obtain clarification for a prescription order if the clarification does not require the exercise of professional judgment.
(16) Performing diagnostic laboratory testing pursuant to agency 4729 of the Administrative Code.
(D) A certified pharmacy technician may:
(1) Engage in remote entry of prescriptions in accordance rule 4729:5-5-25 of the Administrative Code; or
(2) Engage in remote entry of medication orders in accordance with rule 4729:5-9-02.15 of the Administrative Code.
(E) In order to perform non-sterile drug compounding, a certified pharmacy technician shall complete the following training requirements prior to compounding non-sterile preparations:
(1) Training shall comply with the requirements set forth in the United States pharmacopeia chapter <795>.
(2) Non-sterile drug compounding training shall be obtained through completion of a site-specific, structured on-the-job didactic and experiential training program and shall not be transferable to another practice site, except between practice sites under common ownership and control.
(3) When the responsible person or a pharmacist designated by the responsible person is satisfied with the employee's knowledge and proficiency, the responsible person or the responsible person's designee will sign the documentation records to show that the employee was appropriately trained in accordance with this rule.
(4) Ensuring certified pharmacy technicians are properly trained shall be the responsibility of the terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and the licensee's responsible person.
(5) All training requirements set forth in this paragraph shall be appropriately documented and made readily retrievable for immediate inspection by an agent of the state board of pharmacy. Documentation shall be maintained by the terminal distributor of dangerous drugs for a minimum of three years.
(F) In order to perform sterile drug compounding, a certified pharmacy technician shall complete the following training requirements prior to compounding sterile preparations:
(1) Training shall comply with the requirements set forth in the United States pharmacopeia chapter <797>.
(2) Sterile drug compounding training shall be obtained through completion of a sitespecific, structured on-the-job didactic and experiential training program and shall not be transferable to another practice site, except between practice sites under common ownership and control.
(3) When the responsible person or a pharmacist designated by the responsible person is satisfied with the employee's knowledge and proficiency, the responsible person or the responsible person's designee will sign the documentation records to show that the employee was appropriately trained in accordance with this rule.
(4) Ensuring certified pharmacy technicians are properly trained shall be the responsibility of the terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and the licensee's responsible person.
(5) All training requirements set forth in this paragraph shall be appropriately documented and made readily retrievable for immediate inspection by an agent of the state board of pharmacy. Documentation shall be maintained by the terminal distributor of dangerous drugs for a minimum of three years.
(G) A terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and the licensee's responsible person shall be responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures for additional training appropriate to duties and responsibilities performed by a certified pharmacy technician as well as an ongoing quality assurance plan to ensure competency.

Ohio Admin. Code 4729:3-3-04

Effective: 4/1/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/27/2021 and 04/01/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4729.26, 4729.10, 4729.94
Rule Amplifies: 4729.90, 4729.901, 4729.91, 4729.92, 4729.921, 4729.93, 4729.94, 4729.95, 4729.96
Prior Effective Dates: 12/04/2017, 03/01/2019, 07/03/2020