Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4723-7-01 - DefinitionsAs used in this chapter,
(A) "Authorization to test" means the authorization to take the examination for licensure issued by the testing service to an eligible applicant.(B) "Current" or "active" license means a license that is not inactive, suspended, lapsed, or revoked.(C) "Eligible applicant" means an individual who applies for licensure by examination whom the board has determined, based on the requirements contained in section 4723.09 of the Revised Code and this chapter, is eligible to take the examination.(D) "Examination" or "examination for licensure" means the NCLEX-RN or the NCLEX-PN.(E) "Foreign educated nurse graduate" means an individual who has completed a nursing education program leading to initial licensure as a nurse that is not located within a jurisdiction of the national council of state boards of nursing.(F) "Inactive" means the status of a license or certificate of an individual who has entered an electronic or written request for the board to place the license or certificate on inactive status . An individual with an inactive license or certificate does not hold a current, valid license or certificate.(G) "Jurisdiction of the national council of state boards of nursing" means any state, territory, or political subdivision of the United States in which a board or legal approving authority regulates nurse licensure and nursing practice and maintains membership in the national council of state boards of nursing.(H) "Lapsed" means the status of a license or certificate of an individual who did not meet all the requirements of license or certificate renewal, who did not request that the board place the license or certificate on inactive status prior to the license expiration date, and whose license or certificate has expired.(I) "NCLEX-PN" means the national council licensing examination for practical nurses developed and administered by the national council of state boards of nursing.(J) "NCLEX-RN" means the national council licensing examination for registered nurses developed and administered by the national council of state boards of nursing.(K) "Practical nursing education program" means a nursing education program that leads to initial licensure as a licensed practical nurse.(L) "Reactivate" means to change the status of a license or certificate from inactive to active.(M) "Registered nursing education program" means a professional nursing education program that leads to initial licensure as a registered nurse.(N) "Reinstate" means to change the status of a license or certificate from lapsed or suspended to reinstated.(O) "Testing service" means the entity that the national council of state boards of nursing contracts with for the development and administration of the examination.Ohio Admin. Code 4723-7-01
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/14/2021 and 10/14/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4723.07
Rule Amplifies: 4723.06, 4723.08, 4723.09, 4723.10
Prior Effective Dates: 06/01/1976, 07/24/1982, 04/01/1991, 04/01/1994, 02/01/1996, 04/01/1998, 02/01/2001, 02/01/2002, 02/01/2007, 02/01/2012, 02/01/2015, 04/01/2017Effective: 4/1/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 12/19/2016 and 12/19/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4723.07
Rule Amplifies: 4723.06, 4723.08, 4723.09, 4723.10
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/76, 7/24/82, 4/1/91, 4/1/94, 2/1/96, 4/1/98, 2/1/01, 2/1/02, 2/1/07, 2/1/12, 2/1/15