Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 4123-17-01 - Annual rate revision, method of adoption, effective date, publication
- Section 4123-17-02 - Successorship
- Section 4123-17-03 - Employer's experience rating plan
- Section 4123-17-03.1 - [Rescinded] Experience modification for out of state employer
- Section 4123-17-03.2 - Experience modification cap
- Section 4123-17-03.3 - Employer premium size factors
- Section 4123-17-04 - Classification of occupations or industries
- Section 4123-17-05 - Private employer industry group and limited loss ratio tables
- Section 4123-17-05.1 - Private employer experience rating table
- Section 4123-17-06 - Private employer contributions to the state insurance fund
- Section 4123-17-07 - Officers of corporations, elective coverage entities, and ministers
- Section 4123-17-08 - Classifications according to national council on compensation insurance
- Section 4123-17-09 - Clerical office payroll
- Section 4123-17-10 - Excess premiums
- Section 4123-17-11 - Rule of merit rating controlling the employee having but one eye, one hand, etc
- Section 4123-17-12 - Catastrophe claims
- Section 4123-17-13 - Employer application for workers' compensation coverage
- Section 4123-17-14 - Reporting of payroll and reconciliation of premium due
- Section 4123-17-14.1 - Misrepresentation of payroll
- Section 4123-17-14.2 - Installment payments
- Section 4123-17-14.3 - [Rescinded] Go green rebate
- Section 4123-17-14.4 - [Rescinded] Lapse-free rebate
- Section 4123-17-15 - Alternate employer organizations and professional employer organizations
- Section 4123-17-15.1 - AEO agreements and PEO agreements
- Section 4123-17-15.2 - Registration and reporting requirements
- Section 4123-17-15.3 - [Rescinded] Security requirements
- Section 4123-17-15.4 - Financial mandates
- Section 4123-17-15.5 - Self-insured AEOs and PEOs
- Section 4123-17-15.6 - Client employer information
- Section 4123-17-15.7 - Denial or revocation of AEO or PEO registration
- Section 4123-17-16 - Penalties: late payment and reporting
- Section 4123-17-17 - Auditing and adjustment of payroll reports
- Section 4123-17-18 - Claim free discount
- Section 4123-17-18.1 - [Rescinded] Early payment discount program
- Section 4123-17-19 - Employer contribution to the marine industry fund
- Section 4123-17-20 - Employer contribution to the coal-workers pneumoconiosis fund
- Section 4123-17-22 - Travel expenses
- Section 4123-17-23 - Duties outside the state
- Section 4123-17-24 - Other states coverage policy
- Section 4123-17-25 - Military and naval service
- Section 4123-17-26 - Minimum annual administrative charge
- Section 4123-17-27 - Protest of an employer's experience
- Section 4123-17-28 - Correction of inaccuracies affecting employer's premium rates
- Section 4123-17-29 - Disabled workers' relief fund; employers' assessments and self-insurers' payments
- Section 4123-17-30 - Payroll limitations for corporate officers, sole proprietors, an individual incorporated as a corporation with no employees, members of partnerships, and family farm corporations
- Section 4123-17-31 - [Rescinded] Long-term care loan fund program
- Section 4123-17-32 - Self-insuring employer assessment based upon paid compensation
- Section 4123-17-33 - Public employer taxing district industry group and limited loss ratio tables
- Section 4123-17-33.1 - Public employer taxing districts experience rating table
- Section 4123-17-34 - Public employer taxing districts contribution to the state insurance fund
- Section 4123-17-35 - Public employer state agency contribution to the state insurance fund
- Section 4123-17-35.1 - Public employer state agency lump sum settlement program
- Section 4123-17-36 - Administrative cost contribution
- Section 4123-17-37 - Employer contribution to the safety and hygiene fund
- Section 4123-17-38 - Private employer contribution to the premium payment security fund
- Section 4123-17-40 - Self-insured buy-out factors
- Section 4123-17-41 - Retrospective rating definitions applicable to any employer
- Section 4123-17-42 - Eligibility for retrospective rating
- Section 4123-17-42.1 - [Rescinded] Eligibility for retrospective rating - public employer
- Section 4123-17-43 - Application for retrospective rating plan
- Section 4123-17-44 - Minimum retrospective premium
- Section 4123-17-45 - Initial computation
- Section 4123-17-46 - Premium adjustments
- Section 4123-17-47 - Final settlement
- Section 4123-17-48 - Penalties
- Section 4123-17-49 - Disability relief
- Section 4123-17-50 - [Rescinded] Catastrophes
- Section 4123-17-51 - Termination and transfers
- Section 4123-17-52 - Parameters of the retrospective rating plan
- Section 4123-17-53 - Private employer retrospective rating plan minimum premium percentages
- Section 4123-17-54 - Public employer retrospective rating plan minimum premium percentages
- Section 4123-17-55 - Transitional work development grant and transitional work bonus program
- Section 4123-17-56 - Safety grant programs
- Section 4123-17-56.1 - Workplace wellness grant program rule
- Section 4123-17-56.2 - Safety council rebate program
- Section 4123-17-56.3 - [Rescinded] Industry-specific safety program
- Section 4123-17-57 - Premium for construction industry
- Section 4123-17-58 - Drug-free safety program (DFSP) and comparable program
- Section 4123-17-58.1 - [Rescinded] Drug-free workplace (DFWP) discount program for small employers
- Section 4123-17-59 - Fifteen thousand dollar medical-only program
- Section 4123-17-60 - Annuity factors
- Section 4123-17-61 - Criteria for group experience rating
- Section 4123-17-61.1 - Sponsorship certification requirements
- Section 4123-17-62 - Application for group experience rating
- Section 4123-17-63 - Eligibility for group experience rating-size criteria
- Section 4123-17-64 - Group experience rate calculations
- Section 4123-17-64.1 - [Rescinded] Private employer group experience break even factor
- Section 4123-17-64.2 - Public employer taxing district group rating break even factor
- Section 4123-17-65 - Experience retention for group experience rate calculation purposes
- Section 4123-17-66 - Termination and transfers for group experience rating
- Section 4123-17-67 - Representation for group experience rating
- Section 4123-17-68 - Group experience and group retrospective safety program requirements
- Section 4123-17-69 - [Rescinded] Grow Ohio incentive program
- Section 4123-17-70 - [Rescinded] Ten step business plan for safety; certified sponsors
- Section 4123-17-71 - Claim impact reduction program
- Section 4123-17-72 - Deductible rule
- Section 4123-17-73 - Group retrospective rating program
- Section 4123-17-74 - Deadline dates and compatibility information for employer programs
- Section 4123-17-75 - Bonus and rebate incentive programs
- Section 4123-17-76 - Cancellation of workers' compensation coverage