Ohio Admin. Code 4101:9-4-28
Where an investigation by commerce discloses a failure to pay the prevailing rate of wages on an ongoing project, commerce may propose to issue an order halting work. Notice shall be given to the contractor or subcontractor and the sureties thereof. The notice may be issued by commerce stating therein the date for the hearing required by these rules and according to the procedure thereof. The notice may also be issued by the contracting public authority with a request to commerce to set such hearing. After the hearing as provided herein, commerce may order work halted under that part of the contract for which less than the prevailing wage has been paid. The order shall remain in force and effect until the defaulting contractor has filed a bond in the amount of such penal sum as commerce shall set conditioned upon payment of the prevailing rate of wages.
Ohio Admin. Code 4101:9-4-28
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4115.12
Rule Amplifies: 4115.10, 4115.13, 4115.131, 4115.15
Prior Effective Dates: 02/15/1990, 06/23/1997, 06/03/2004
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4115.12
Rule Amplifies: 4115.10, 4115.13, 4115.131, 4115.15
Prior Effective Dates: 2-15-90; 6-23-97; 6-3-0