Section 4101:6-1-25 - Enforcement(A) The department of commerce shall review plans and cause an inspection to be made and if it is determined that the sterilization will comply with the regulations of the division, pursuant to Chapter 3713. of the Revised Code, the installation of a sterilizer shall be approved.(B) The division shall make inspections from time to time to determine whether the sterilizer is fully complying with all of the provisions of rules 4101:6-1-21 to 4101:6-1-25 of the Administrative Code.(C) Accurate records accessible to agents of the division shall be kept by the operator of the treatment device for six months after the treatment date of sterilization, including lot number, length of time treated, name and address of person for whom treated, and the source of process material.(D) If the superintendent or the superintendent's designee finds that any article of bedding or filling material has been used by or about any person having an infectious or contagious disease, he or she shall tag such article of bedding or material with a tag bearing the word "unclean" in conspicuous letters. Such tag shall not be removed except upon direction of the superintendent.(E) The department of commerce, through its officers and employees, is hereby empowered to take samples of materials under the authority of section 3713.03 of the Revised Code and to hold for evidence at trial for the violations of section 3713.09 of the Revised Code any articles or materials manufactured or offered for sale or lease in violation of section 3713.09 of the Revised Code. The superintendent may order off-sale and may so tag any article of bedding that is not tagged as herein required, or to which is affixed any label or labeling, if there appears thereon any misleading term, designation, or pictorial device that is false or might tend to mislead the public as to the material content, composition, or construction of an article of bedding or which is deceptive in any other material respect. No article or materials placed off-sale or seized by the superintendent shall be sold; nor shall the contents thereof be altered, interfered with, or removed in whole or in part. Nor shall the articles or contents thereof be removed from the premises where placed off-sale or seized until such articles or materials are released by the superintendent.Ohio Admin. Code 4101:6-1-25
Effective: 11/5/2021
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/4/2021 and 09/16/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3713.04
Rule Amplifies: 3713.09
Prior Effective Dates: 10/01/1978, 09/07/1998, 09/13/2015