Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 4101:2-13-01 - Fuel oil piping and storage Chapter 13 of the International Mechanical Code, 2021 edition, as incorporated by reference and modified in Section 101.1.1 of this code, is further modified as follows:
(A)Replace section 1301.1 with the following:1301.1Scope. This chapter is to govern the design, installation, construction and repair of fuel oil and diesel oil storage and piping systems supplying and piped to building services equipment. The storage of fuel oil and flammable and combustible liquids not associated with building service equipment is to be in accordance with Chapters 6 and 57 of the International Fire Code as enforced by the fire official.(B)Replace section 1301.2 with the following:1301.2Storage and piping systems. Fuel oil and diesel oil storage systems supplying and piped to building service equipment is to comply with Section 1308. Fuel oil and diesel oil piping systems are to comply with the requirements of this chapter.(C)Replace section 1308 with the following:SECTION 1308FUEL OIL AND DIESEL OIL STORAGE1308.1Fuel oil and diesel oil storage systems. Fuel oil and diesel oil storage systems supplying and piped to building service equipment, including emergency and standby generators, are to be installed in accordance with one of the following:2. NFPA 31 for fuel-oil burning heating appliances;3. NFPA 37 for diesel-oil burning stationary combustion engines; or4. Sections 1308.2 to 1308.4, as applicable.1308.2Fuel oil and diesel oil storage in outside, above-ground tanks. Where connected to a fuel oil or diesel oil piping system, the maximum amount of fuel oil or diesel oil storage allowed outside above ground without additional protection is to be 660 gallons (2498 L). The outside, above ground storage of fuel oil or diesel oil in quantities exceeding 660 gallons (2498 L) and connected to and serving building service equipment is to comply with chapter 22 of NFPA 30.1308.3Fuel oil and diesel oil storage inside buildings. Fuel oil storage inside of buildings are to comply with sections 1308.3.1 to 1308.3.5. 1308.3.1Quantity limits. One or more fuel oil or diesel oil storage tanks containing a Class II or III combustible liquid are to be permitted in a building. The aggregate capacity of all such tanks are to not exceed 660 gallons (2498 L). Exception: The aggregate capacity limit is to be permitted to be increased to 3,000 gallons (11 356 L) of a Class II or III liquid for storage in protected aboveground tanks listed in accordance with UL 2085 when all of the following conditions are met:
1. The entire 3,000 gallon (11 356 L) quantity is to be stored in protected aboveground tanks listed in accordance with UL 2085;2. The 3,000 gallon (11 356 L) capacity is to be permitted to be stored in a single tank or multiple smaller tanks;3. Normal and emergency venting is to be provided in accordance with NFPA 30 except that the vent capacity reduction factors is to not be allowed;4. Flame arrestors or pressure vacuum breather valves are to be installed in normal vents;5. Secondary containment, drainage control or diking are to be provided in accordance with section 2704.2 of the International Fire Code;6. An overfill prevention system that prevents the tank from being filled in excess of 95 percent of its capacity is to be provided for each tank. Filling procedure information is to be available and accessible to the person filling the tanks;7. The fill pipe is to be provided with a means for making a direct connection to the fuel delivery hose so that the delivery of fuel is not exposed to the open air during the filling operation;8. A noncombustible fixed spill container having a capacity of not less than 5 gallons (19 L) is to be provided for each fill connection. The spill container is to be equipped with a manual drain valve that drains into the primary tank;9. Approved anti-siphon devices are to be installed in each external pipe connected to the protected above-ground tank when the pipe extends below the level of the top of the tank; and10. The tanks are to be located in a room protected by an automatic sprinkler system complying with Section 903.3.1.1 of the building code.1308.3.2Restricted use and connection. Tanks installed in accordance with Section 1308.3 of this rule is to be used only to supply fuel oil to fuel-burning or generator equipment installed in accordance with Section 1308.3.4. Connections between tanks and equipment supplied by such tanks are to be made using closed piping systems.1308.3.3Applicability of maximum allowable quantity and control area requirements. The quantity of combustible liquid stored in tanks complying with Section 1308.3 of this rule is to not be counted towards the maximum allowable quantity set forth in Table 307.1(1) of the building code, and such tanks are to not be required to be located in a control area.1308.3.4Installation. Tanks and piping systems are to be installed and separated from other uses in accordance with one of the applicable compliance paths prescribed in Section 1308.1. Exception: Protected aboveground tanks listed in accordance with UL 2085 and complying with Section 1308.3.1 are to not be required to be separated from surrounding areas.
1308.3.5Tanks in basements. Tanks in basements are to be located not more than two stories below grade plane.1308.4Underground storage of fuel oil. The design, installation, registration, and inspection of regulated underground storage tanks are to be in accordance with the fire code and rules adopted by the state fire marshal and enforced by the fire official, in accordance with sections 3737.87 to 3737.89 of the Revised Code. Underground storage tanks not regulated by the state fire marshal's Bureau of Underground Storage tanks are to comply with NFPA 30.
(D)Add new section 1309 to read as follows:1309TESTING1309.1Testing required. Fuel oil piping is to be tested in accordance with NFPA 31. Replaces: 4101:2-13-01
Ohio Admin. Code 4101:2-13-01
Effective: 3/1/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/01/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3781.10(A)(1), 4104.43 (A)(1)
Rule Amplifies: 3781.10, 3781.11, 3791.04
Prior Effective Dates: 03/01/1998, 01/01/2002, 03/01/2005, 07/01/2007, 11/01/2011, 01/01/2016, 11/01/2017