Section 4101:14-1-05 - Registration and inspections(A) Registration.(1) Before any passenger tramway may be operated for the public, the ski area operator shall submit an "Application for Registration of Passenger Tramways" to the ski tramway board. The application shall be submitted on a prepared form provided by the board and shall provide such technical information as the board may require.(2) Upon receipt of the completed application and designated fees, the board shall issue a "Certificate of Registration." The "Certificate of Registration" shall be valid from the date of registration until the thirtieth day of September next ensuing.(3) No passenger tramway shall operate for public use without a valid, current "Certificate of Registration."(4) The ski area operator shall post, in a conspicuous place, the "Certificate of Registration" at all times when operating passenger tramways.(B) Inspections. (1) Inspections required by this board shall concern the mechanical operation of all passenger tramways and their safety equipment.(2) Pursuant to division (A) of section 4169.04 of the Revised Code, the board requires that the ski area operator submit a "Schedule of Tramway Inspection." The schedule shall indicate the date the area will be ready for inspection by the state or the date the area's liability insurance underwriter will inspect. Any tramway inspection shall occur prior to the first date of commencement of operations. The schedule shall be on a prepared form provided by the board and submitted with the "Application for Registration of Passenger Tramways."(3) When an inspection by an insurance company authorized to insure passenger tramways in this state is conducted, a copy of the inspection report shall be forwarded to the division of industrial compliance within one week of any such inspection.(4) The inspection and testing requirements of sections 2.3.4, 3.3.4, 4.3.4, 5.3.4, 6.3.4, and 7.3.4 ANSI B 77.1 -2017 apply to operators subject to this chapter. Upon written request by the board, an operator shall send copies of the inspection reports to the board . If an operator fails to comply with a request of the board or if the reports are, in the opinion of the board, inadequate or indicate that further inspection is necessary, the board may request an inspection by the division of industrial compliance. A copy of the inspection report of the division of industrial compliance shall be filed with the board and forwarded to the operator. The board may send to the operator a review of the findings of the inspection with a listing of any deficiencies and a date that corrective action must be completed. If any such deficiencies are not corrected within the period of time fixed by the board, the board or any member of the board may issue an emergency order pursuant to section 4169.06 of the Revised Code.(5) A copy of the most recent wire rope inspection report as provided in section A.4.1.2 of ANSI B 77.1 -2017 shall be sent to the division of industrial compliance annually by the thirtieth day of September.(6) A copy of the most recent grip and/or clip test report provided in section of ANSI B 77.1 -2017 shall be sent to the division of industrial compliance annually by the thirtieth day of September.(C) Penalties for noncompliance. (1) If an operator fails to comply with an order of the board issued under division (E) of section 4169.06 of the Revised Code, the board may suspend the "Certificate of Registration" of the operator for such time as the board considers necessary for the operator to gain compliance with its order.(2) Any person who violates any rule adopted by the board pursuant to division (B) of section 4169.02 or division (D) of section 4169.03 of the Revised Code shall be fined one hundred dollars.(3) Any person who violates division (E) of section 4169.06 of the Revised Code shall be fined fifty dollars for each day that the violation continues.Ohio Admin. Code 4101:14-1-05
Effective: 2/7/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/30/2019 and 10/29/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4169.02
Rule Amplifies: 4169.02, 4169.03, 4169.99
Prior Effective Dates: 12/01/1986, 10/05/1998, 04/06/2006, 04/26/2007, 11/07/2014