Ohio Admin. Code 4101:1-2-01
Chapter 2 of the International Building Code, 2021 edition, as incorporated by reference and modified in Section 101.1.1 of this code, is further modified as follows:
Modify section 202 to replace or add the following definitions:
24 HOUR BASIS. Deleted.
ABOVE-GROUND STORAGE TANK. A vessel, intended for fixed installation above grade, at grade, or below grade without backfill, used for the purpose of bulk storage, dispensing, handling or processing of hazardous, flammable or combustible liquids or gases and not connected to and utilized for the operation of building service equipment.
ACCREDITATION BODY. Refer to Section 114.2
ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL. An exercise performed by staff and occupants to evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness in executing an adopted school safety plan to respond to an active shooter event by sheltering and securing occupants in place within a building when normal evacuation would put occupants at risk. See section 1010.2.16.
ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY OF A SCHOOL BUILDING. The superintendent, principal, chief administrative officer, or other person having supervisory authority of a school building. See section 1010.2.16.
AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. A structure designed and constructed to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock or other horticultural products. This structure is not to be a place of human habitation or a place of employment where agricultural products are processed, treated or packaged, nor is it to be a place used by the public. (See definition of "AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES", section 101.2, and section 312 of this code).
AGRICULTURAL LABOR CAMPS. Camps as defined in section 3733.41 of the Revised Code.
AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES: Includes agriculture, farming, dairying, pasturage, apiculture, algaculture meaning the farming of algae, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, ornamental horticulture, olericulture, pomiculture, animal and poultry husbandry, etc.
AIRCRAFT HANGER, RESIDENTIAL. An accessory building less than 2,000 square feet (186 m2) and 20 feet (6096 mm) in building height constructed on a one-, two-, or three-family property where aircraft are stored. Such use will be considered as a residential accessory use incidental to the dwelling.
AMBULATORY CARE FACILITY. Buildings or portions thereof used to provide medical, surgical, psychiatric, nursing or similar care for fewer than twenty-four hours per day to persons who are rendered incapable of self-preservation by the services provided or staff has accepted responsibility for care recipients already incapable.
AMUSEMENT RIDE. Any mechanical, aquatic, or inflatable device, or combination of those devices that carries or conveys passengers on, along, around, over, or through a fixed or restricted course or within a defined area for the purpose of providing amusement, pleasure, or excitement and includes carnival rides, bungee jumping facilities, and fair rides but does not include passenger tramways as defined in section 4169.01 of the Revised Code, manufactured rock climbing walls in climbing facilities regulated under Chapter 4175. of the Revised Code, or amusement rides operated solely at trade shows for a limited period of time. For regulation and definitions, see Chapter 993 of the Revised Code. Amusement rides are not regulated by this code but are regulated by the Ohio department of agriculture. Also see section 411, Special Amusement Areas.
APPROVED. Determined to be in compliance by the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with the rules of the board.
APPROVED AGENCY. An established and accredited testing laboratory, listing agency, inspection body, or field evaluation body recognized by the board of building standards providing services consistent with their accreditation and the code section requiring the approved agency service.
APPROVED FABRICATOR. An established and qualified person, firm or corporation approved in accordance with the rules of the board of building standards.
APPROVED NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE. An established and nationally recognized service regularly engaged in evaluating the competency of agencies to conduct tests and inspections required by the rules of the board.
BUILDING. Any structure utilized or intended for supporting or sheltering any occupancy, function, or activity. This includes, but is not limited to, structures built or used for the shelter, occupancy, enclosure or support of persons, animals, or chattels. For the purposes of this code, the term "building" is to be construed as followed by the words "or portion thereof."
BUILDING DEPARTMENT. An agency, department or division of the state or of the government of a municipal corporation, township, or county, which has been created and authorized in conformity with law for the purpose of enforcing construction code provisions of the board's rules applicable to structures specified in section 3781.06 of the Revised Code.
BUILDING OFFICIAL. The superintendent of the division of industrial compliance of the Ohio department of commerce or the person appointed by the superintendent to enforce this code in that division or the designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this code, approved by the board in accordance with section 103 of this code, in a municipal corporation, township or county having a building department, certified by the board pursuant to section 3781.10 of the Revised Code, or the health commissioner or the authorized representative in health districts, whichever one has jurisdiction.
BUILDING SERVICE EQUIPMENT. Equipment, appliances, materials, devices, and systems integrated into a building that provide space heating, air conditioning, ventilation, fire protection, lighting, electricity, sanitation, water, water heating, cooking, medical gas, medical vacuum, and clothes drying. Building service equipment begins from the connected stored source of liquid or gas fuel or electrical power supplying the equipment or the utility service point/point of delivery and extends through the point of use but does not include process equipment that may also be connected to the same source.
BUILDING SERVICES PIPING. All piping systems and their component parts that are part of a building system and that promote the safe, sanitary, and energy efficient occupancy of a building. Building services piping includes, but is not limited to, cold and hot potable water distribution for plumbing fixtures; sanitary lines from plumbing fixtures; nonflammable medical gas systems; medical oxygen systems; medical vacuum systems; fire protection piping systems and compressed air in dry systems; refrigeration, chilled water, condenser and cooling tower water, brine, and water/antifreeze systems; steam, steam condensate, and hot water piping systems; and fuel oil piping and fuel gas piping for heating, cooling, and cooking applications. See division (A) of section 4104.41 of the Revised Code.
CARE FACILITY. A building or portion of a building that is held out to the public for and intended to provide all the following:
CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY. A change in the purpose or level of activity within a building that involves a change in application of the requirements of the code. Such a change could be to an entire building or a portion of a building. A change of occupancy includes any change of occupancy classification, any change from one group to another group within an occupancy classification, any change in use within a group for a specific occupancy classification or any change that causes an increase in risk.
CLINIC, OUTPATIENT. Buildings or portions thereof used to provide medical care for fewer than twenty-four hours per day to persons who are not rendered incapable of self-preservation by the services provided.
CLOSED CONSTRUCTION. An assembly of materials or products manufactured in such a manner that its structural, plumbing, electrical, environmental control, or fire protection elements or components are concealed and are not readily accessible for inspection at the site of its erection, without disassembly, damage, or destruction. Closed construction includes assemblies where only one of the components is not accessible for inspection. (For example, an equipment enclosure where all the electrical conductors and components are exposed for inspection and its roof and wall panels have exposed structural members but the floor panel structural members are not exposed, would be required to comply with division 4101:7 of the Administrative Code.)
CODE. Those rules contained in Chapters 4101:1-1 to 4101:1-35 of the Administrative Code.
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. Any material not defined as noncombustible.
COMMERCIAL COOKING RECIRCULATING SYSTEM. Self-contained system consisting of the exhaust hood, the cooking equipment, the filters, and the fire suppression system. The system is designed to capture cooking vapors and residues generated from commercial cooking equipment. The system removes contaminants from the exhaust air and recirculates the air to the space from which it was withdrawn.
COMMERCIAL FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT. A building or portion thereof that is frequently used for the preparation and/or serving of food using listed commercial cooking appliances, or, depending upon the duration, frequency, and purposes of the cooking operations, establishments that utilize listed household or domestic cooking appliances for the preparation and/or serving of large quantities of food may also be considered commercial food service establishments. Such establishments include, but are not limited to, food processing facilities and food service operations typically found in restaurants, hotels, clubs, banquet halls, school cafeterias, hospital cafeterias, and catering businesses. (Establishments that utilize listed household or domestic cooking appliances in a manner similar to a typical residential setting such as fire stations, office break rooms, day care facilities, church halls, and dwelling units are not commercial food service establishments.)
CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. The written, graphic and pictorial documents prepared or assembled for describing the design, location and physical characteristics of the elements of a project necessary for obtaining plan approval in accordance with section 106 of rule 4101:1-1-01 of the Administrative Code.
CREDENTIALS. The badge of office, certificate, or letter issued by a governmental department to an employee for the identification of said employee in the performance of his duties.
CUSTODIAL CARE. Assistance with day-to-day living tasks; such as assistance with cooking, taking medication, bathing, using toilet facilities and other tasks of daily living. Custodial care includes persons receiving care who have the ability to respond to emergency situations and evacuate at a slower rate and/or who have mental and psychiatric complications. Persons who receive custodial care could need assistance with evacuation depending on the occupancy and/or the "condition" in the occupancy.
DWELLING. Any building that exclusively contains one, two, or three dwelling units, each of which may be occupied by a family and no more than five lodgers or boarders, intended, or designed to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or that is occupied for living purposes, physically separated from adjacent structures, and with an independent exit from each dwelling unit.
DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. The dwelling unit may include any accessory space intended for the exclusive use of the occupants of an individual dwelling unit such as a private garage, greenhouse, etc.
EMERGENCY SITUATION. An incident requiring a response to prevent loss of life or injury at a school building involving an active shooter or similar occurrence where normal evacuation could put occupants at risk, but does not include fire, tornado/earthquake, building collapse, boiler failure, or similar occurrence caused by natural activity or building failure. See section 1010.2.16.
ENGINE-MOUNTED TANK. A fuel tank furnished by the engine manufacturer or the emergency power system supplier and mounted on the engine, the engine-frame, or under as a subbase.
EXISTING BUILDING. A building regulated by this code that has been erected and for which a certificate of occupancy has been issued or can be issued in accordance with Section 111.4.
EXISTING STRUCTURE. A structure regulated by this code that has been erected and for which a certificate of occupancy has been issued or can be issued in accordance with Section 111.4.
FABRICATED ITEM. Structural, load-bearing or lateral load-resisting members or assemblies consisting of materials assembled prior to installation in a building or structure, or subjected to operations such as heat treatment, thermal cutting, cold working or reforming after manufacture and prior to installation in a building or structure. Materials produced in accordance with standards referenced by this code, such as rolled structural steel shapes, steel reinforcing bars, masonry units and wood structural panels, or in accordance with a referenced standard that provides requirements for quality control done under the supervision of an approved agency, are not "fabricated items."
FAMILY DAY-CARE HOME, TYPE A. A home where the administrator permanently resides and where care is provided for seven to twelve children under six years of age or four to twelve children when at least four are under two years of age. Licensure is required of these homes by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services when at least one of the children cared for is not a sibling of the others and the home is not the permanent residence of the children. These homes are also referred to as Type A Homes and Type A Child Care and are exempt from the rules of the board. Also see Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code.
FAMILY DAY-CARE HOME, TYPE B. A home where the administrator permanently resides and where care is provided for one to six children under six years of age with no more than three children under two years of age when at least one of the children cared for is not a sibling of the others and the home is not the permanent residence of the children. These homes are also referred to as Type B Homes and Type B Child Care and are exempt from the rules of the board. Also see Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code.
FIRE CODE. "Ohio Fire Code".
FIRE LANE. A road or other passageway developed to allow the passage of fire apparatus. A fire lane is not necessarily intended for vehicular traffic other than fire apparatus. A fire lane does not include a residential and/or public street.
FIRE PREVENTION. The preventative measures which provide for the safe conduct and operation of hazardous processes, storage of combustible and flammable materials, conducting of fire drills and the maintenance of fire protection, detection and extinguishing service equipment and good housekeeping conditions.
FUEL TANK. A tank containing fuel for an engine(s) or appliance.
FURNACE ROOM. A room primarily utilized for the installation of fuel-burning space-heating and water-heating appliances other than boilers.
INCAPABLE OF SELF-PRESERVATION. Persons who, because of age, physical limitations, mental limitations, chemical dependency or medical treatment, cannot aid or participate in the completion of their own evacuation in response to an emergency situation.
INDUSTRIALIZED UNITS. Industrialized units are prefabricated components comprised of closed construction manufactured at a location remote from the site of intended use and transported to a building site for its subsequent use. Industrialized units are not restricted to housing for one-, two-, and three-family dwellings, but includes all prefabricated forms of building elements and assembled construction units, intended for both structural and service equipment purposes in all buildings of all groups. Prefabricated shop assemblies may be shipped in structurally complete units ready for installation in the building structure or in knock-down and packaged form for assembly at the site.
INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION. A state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, a private nonprofit college or university located in this state that possesses a certificate of authorization issued pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code, or a school located in this state that possesses a certificate of registration and one or more program authorizations issued by the state board of career colleges and schools under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code. See School Building.
JURISDICTION. The authority to enforce this code by municipal corporations, townships or counties certified by the board in accordance with 3781.10 of the Revised Code or the division of industrial compliance in the department of commerce.
LIMITED SPRAYING SPACE. An area in which spraying operations for touch-up or spot painting of a surface area of nine square feet (0.84 m2) or less are conducted.
LISTED. Equipment, appliances, materials, products or services included in a directory published by an approved agency whose listing states either that the equipment, appliance, material, product or service meets identified standards listed in this code or have been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
MAINTENANCE. Work necessary to assure that equipment, systems, devices and safeguards continue to operate in good working order and in accordance with the approval.
MARQUEE. A permanent roofed structure projecting over an entrance attached to and supported by a building for the purpose of supporting a marquee sign.
MECHANICAL CODE. The "Ohio Mechanical Code."
NATURAL GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES - Installations, including associated buildings, pipes, valves, tanks, and other equipment, used to separate various fluids, hydrocarbons, natural gas liquids, and impurities from the raw natural gas, manufacturing residue gas suitable for transmission and distribution to end users.
NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS FRACTIONATION FACILITIES - Installations, including associated buildings, pipes, valves, tanks, and other equipment, used for the separation of mixtures of light hydrocarbons or natural gas liquids into individual, purity natural gas liquid products, which include ethane, propane, normal butane, iso-butane, and natural gasolines.
NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. A material that, under the conditions anticipated, will not ignite or burn when subjected to fire or heat. Materials that pass ASTM E 136 are considered noncombustible materials.
OCCUPANCY. The purpose for which a building, or portion thereof, is used.
PERMIT. Deleted.
PERSON. An individual, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation, its or their successors or assigns, or the agent of any of the aforesaid. Whenever the word "person" is used in any section of this code prescribing a penalty or fine, as to partnerships or associations, the word includes the partners or members thereof, and as to corporations, includes the officer, agents or members thereof who are responsible for any violation of such section.
PLUMBING CODE. The "Ohio Plumbing Code."
POWER PIPING. Piping systems and their component parts that are not building services piping systems, and that may be installed within electric power generating stations, industrial and institutional plants, utility geothermal heating systems, and central and district heating and cooling systems. Power piping includes, but is not limited to, piping used in the distribution of plant and process steam at boiler pressures greater than fifteen pounds per square inch gauge, high temperature water piping from high pressure and high temperature boilers, power boiler steam condensate piping, high pressure and high temperature water condensate piping, and compressed air and hydraulic piping upstream of the first stop valve off a system distribution header. See division (B) of section 4104.41 of the Revised Code.
PREMISES. A lot, plot or parcel of land, including any structure thereon.
PRIMARILY TRANSIENT. Use of a space for sleeping that has facilities for sanitation, with or without other spaces used for living purposes, offered or otherwise intended to be used for short periods of time but not intended to be used as a permanent residence or an institutional-use group facility where care or supervision is provided.
PRIMARY FUNCTION. A primary function is a major activity for which the facility is intended. Areas that contain a primary function include, but are not limited to, the customer service lobby of a bank, the dining area of a cafeteria, the meeting rooms in a conference center, as well as offices and other work areas in which the activities of the public accommodation or other private entity using the facility are carried out. Mechanical rooms, boiler rooms, supply storage rooms, employee lounges or locker rooms, janitorial closets, entrances, corridors and restrooms are not areas containing a primary function.
PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING POOL. Any indoor or outdoor structure, chamber, or tank containing a body of water for swimming, diving or bathing located at a dwelling containing not more than 3 dwelling units and used exclusively by the dwelling's residents, their nonpaying guests or paying guests of a resident for the purpose of participating in a certified swimming class where the resident is a certified swimming instructor and is conducting the certified swimming class on a one-on-one basis and not more than four individuals are in the pool at the same time during the class. Any swimming pool other than a private swimming pool is classified as a public swimming pool.
PRIVATE SCHOOL. A chartered nonpublic school or a nonchartered nonpublic school. See School Building.
PROCESS PIPING. Piping systems and their component parts that are not building services or power piping systems and that may be installed in petroleum refineries; chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, paper, semiconductor, and cryogenic plants; and related processing plants and terminals. See division (C) of section 4104.41 of the Revised Code.
PROCESSING EQUIPMENT. Equipment, machinery and devices specifically intended and used exclusively for manufacturing and other similar purposes. Processing equipment does not include the building electrical service and distribution system, mechanical and plumbing systems related to space heating, air conditioning, ventilation, water distribution and sanitation or other systems regulated by board rules.
PUBLIC SCHOOL. Any school operated by a school district board of education, any community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, any STEM school established under Chapter 3326. of the Revised Code, and any college-preparatory boarding school established under Chapter 3328. of the Revised Code. See School Building.
PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. Any indoor or outdoor structure, chamber, or tank containing a body of water for swimming, diving, or bathing that is intended to be used collectively for swimming, diving, or bathing and is operated by any person whether as the owner, lessee, operator, licensee, or concessionaire, regardless of whether or not a fee is charged for use, but does not mean any public bathing area or private residential swimming pool.
REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. Any architect holding a certificate issued under section 4703.10 of the Revised Code, any landscape architect holding a certificate issued under section 4703.36 of the Revised Code, or any engineer holding a certificate issued under section 4733.14 of the Revised Code.
REPAIR, MINOR. The reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance when the work has limited impact on access, safety or health. Minor repairs do not include the cutting away of any wall, partition or portions of walls, the removal or cutting of any structural beam or load bearing support, or the removal or change of any required element of accessibility, means of egress, or rearrangement of parts of a structure affecting the egress requirements. Minor repairs do not include addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation of any standpipe, water supply, sewer, drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health or general safety.
REVISED CODE. All statutes of a permanent and general nature of this state as revised and consolidated into general provisions, titles, chapters, and sections.
SAFE. As applied to a building, means free from danger or hazard to the life, safety, health or welfare of persons occupying or frequenting it, or of the public, and from danger of settlement, movement, disintegration, or collapse, whether such danger arises from the method of materials of its construction or from equipment installed therein, for the purpose lighting, heating, the transmission or utilization of electric current, or from its location or otherwise.
SANITARY. As applied to a building, means free from danger or hazard to the health of persons occupying or frequenting it, or to that of the public, if such danger arises from the method of materials of its construction or from any equipment installed therein, for the purpose lighting, heating, ventilating or plumbing.
SCHOOL BUILDING. A structure used for the instruction of students by a public or private school or institution of higher education.
SERIOUS HAZARD. A hazard of considerable consequence to safety or health through the design, location, construction, or equipment of a building, or the condition thereof, which hazard has been established through experience to be of certain or probable consequence, or which can be determined to be, or which is obviously such a hazard.
SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY. An established, independent, nationally recognized and accredited, third-party conformity assessment body regularly engaged in performing special inspections as required by Chapter 17.
SPECIAL INSPECTOR. A qualified person who demonstrates competence for the inspection of the particular type of construction or operation requiring special inspection. A special inspector is to be an employee of an accredited special inspection agency recognized by the board in accordance with section 114 and rule 4101:7-6-01 of the Administrative Code, the registered design professional of record involved in the design of the project, or an agent contracted by the owner or registered design professional to perform special inspections whose qualifications comply with section 1704.1.
SPRAY BOOTH. A mechanically ventilated appliance of varying dimensions and construction provided to enclose or accommodate a spraying operation and to confine and limit the escape of spray vapor and residue and to exhaust it safely.
SPRAY ROOM. A room designed to accommodate spraying operations, constructed in accordance with this code.
SPRAYING SPACE. An area in which dangerous quantities of flammable vapors or combustible residues, dusts or deposits are present due to the operation of spraying processes. The building official is authorized to define the limits of the spraying space in any specific case.
SRO (Single room occupancy) FACILITY. A facility with more than five sleeping rooms that is kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public as a place where sleeping rooms offered on a single room occupancy (SRO) basis and intended for use as a primary residence for a period of more than thirty days. SRO facilities are required to be licensed by the Ohio Fire Marshal and do not include agricultural labor camps, apartment houses, lodging houses, rooming houses or college dormitories.
TECHNICALLY INFEASIBLE. An alteration of a building or a facility that has little likelihood of being accomplished because the existing structural conditions necessitate the removal or alteration of a load-bearing member that is an essential part of the structural frame, or because other existing physical or site constraints do not allow for modification or addition of elements, spaces or features which are in full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements for new construction and which are necessary to provide accessibility.
TEMPORARY DOOR LOCKING DEVICE. An assembly of parts intended to be engaged by a trained school staff member in a school building for the purpose of preventing both ingress and egress through a door in a school building for a finite period of time in an emergency situation and during active shooter drills. See Section 1010.2.16.
TRANSIENT LODGING STRUCTURE. A single dwelling unit structure held out the public for lodging of no more than twenty transient occupants. Examples may include, but are not limited to, cabins, cottages, bungalows, yurts, and chalets.
PRIMITIVE TRANSIENT LODGING STRUCTURE. A transient lodging structure with only provisions for sleeping and no building services equipment or piping.
SEMI-PRIMITIVE TRANSIENT LODGING STRUCTURE. A transient lodging structure that provides permanent provisions for only sleeping or for sleeping with either sanitation or kitchen facilities, but not both.
TYPE A FAMILY DAY-CARE HOME. See "Home, Type A Family Day-Care."
TYPE B FAMILY DAY-CARE HOME. See "Home, Type B Family Day-Care."
VAPOR AREA. An area containing flammable vapors in the vicinity of dip tanks, drain boards or associated drying, conveying or other equipment during operation or shutdown periods. The code official is authorized to determine the extent of the vapor area, taking into consideration the characteristics of the liquid, the degree of sustained ventilation and the nature of the operations.
Replaces: 4101:1-2-01
Ohio Admin. Code 4101:1-2-01
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/01/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3781.10(A)(1), 4104.43(A)(1)
Rule Amplifies: 3781.10, 3781.106, 3781.11, 3791.04
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/1979, 01/01/1980, 01/01/1981, 07/01/1982, 01/01/1983, 03/01/1985, 07/01/1985, 03/01/1986, 09/01/1986, 01/01/1989, 08/01/1990, 07/01/1991, 09/01/1992, 07/05/1993, 01/01/1994, 09/01/1994, 07/01/1995, 02/01/1996, 01/01/1997, 03/01/1998, 04/01/1999, 01/01/2002, 07/01/2002, 01/01/2003, 08/15/2003, 03/01/2005, 09/06/2005, 07/01/2007, 11/01/2011, 03/12/2012 (Emer.), 06/08/2012, 07/01/2014, 01/01/2016, 04/18/2016, 11/01/2017, 08/01/2018