Section 3796:6-5-01 - Medical marijuana dispensary fee structure(A) The following non-refundable licensing fees are as follows:(1) The application fee for a dispensary license is five thousand dollars. One application fee must be submitted with each application.(2) The certificate of operation fee is seventy thousand dollars. One certificate of operation fee must be submitted for each certificate of operation.(3) In addition to the certificate of operation fee, the fee to file an untimely certificate of operation renewal is ten thousand dollars.(4) The application fee for a dispensary associated key employee is five hundred dollars. (5) The application fee for a dispensary key employee is two hundred fifty dollars. (6) The application fee for a dispensary support employee is one hundred dollars. .(7) The biennial renewal fee for a dispensary license is seventy thousand dollars.(8) The biennial renewal fee for a dispensary associated key employee card is five hundred dollars.(9) The biennial renewal fee for a dispensary key employee card is two hundred fifty dollars.(10) The biennial renewal fee for a dispensary support employee card is one hundred dollars. (B) The following non-refundable, change in description fees are as follows:(1) The fee for a change in ownership is five thousand dollars.(2) The fee for a relocation is five thousand dollars.(3) The fee for a major modification or renovation is five thousand dollars.(C) The non-refundable advertising approval fee is one hundred dollars per advertisement.(D) All fees required under this rule shall be paid to the state board of pharmacy by check made payable to the Ohio treasurer of state, or other method approved by the state board of pharmacy.Ohio Admin. Code 3796:6-5-01
Effective: 9/5/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/3/2022 and 09/05/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3796.04
Rule Amplifies: 3796.04, 3796.10, 3796.12, 3796.13
Prior Effective Dates: 09/08/2017