Section 3796:6-3-12 - Quality assurance to prevent dispensing errors(A) A dispensary shall display a sign concerning the reporting of dispensing errors in a conspicuous location visible to qualifying patients and caregivers. The sign shall: (1) Measure a minimum of eight inches in height and ten inches in width and the lettering shall be in a size and style that allows such sign to be read without difficulty;(2) Read: "If you have a concern that an error may have occurred in the dispensing of your medical marijuana, you may contact the state of Ohio board of pharmacy, using the contact information found at"(B) A dispensary designated representative shall implement and comply with a quality assurance program that describes, in writing, policies and procedures to detect, identify and prevent dispensing errors. A dispensary shall:(1) Provide to the state board of pharmacy a written copy of such quality assurance program;(2) Distribute it to all dispensary employees; and(3) Make it readily available on the premises of the dispensary.(C) A dispensary's quality assurance program shall include:(1) Directions for communicating the details of a dispensing error to the physician who recommended a qualifying patient, the patient, the patient's caregiver where appropriate, or appropriate family member if the patient is deceased or is unable to fully comprehend communication. Such communication shall describe methods of correcting the dispensing error or reducing the negative impact of the error on the qualifying patient; and(2) A process to document and assess dispensing errors to determine the cause of the error and the appropriate response.(D) A dispensary shall use the findings of its quality assurance program to develop dispensary systems and workflow processes designed to prevent dispensing errors.(E) A dispensary designated representative shall inform dispensary employees of changes to dispensary policy, procedure, systems, or processes made as a result of recommendations generated by the quality assurance program.Ohio Admin. Code 3796:6-3-12
Effective: 7/11/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/3/2022 and 07/11/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3796.04
Rule Amplifies: 3796.04
Prior Effective Dates: 09/08/2017