Section 3773-1-10 - Violations of commission rulesNo person shall:
(A) Violate sections 3773.31 to 3773.59 of the Revised Code or any rule of the commission;(B) Gamble, bet, or wager on the result of any event regulated by the Ohio athletic commission;(C) Participate in a sham or fake boxing match or event regulated by the Ohio athletic commission that is conducted by a holder of a promoter's license.(D) Participate in any event regulated by the Ohio athletic commission if they are under eighteen years of age unless neither contestant in the match or exhibition is a professional unarmed combat fighter.(E) Have a financial interest in a contestant competing on premises owned, leased by, or which that person is otherwise financially interested.Ohio Admin. Code 3773-1-10
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/22/2019 and 03/22/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3773.34
Rule Amplifies: 3773.34, 3773.47, 3773.48
Prior Effective Dates: 08/19/1984, 05/16/2005, 04/18/2009, 01/01/2012, 03/14/2013Effective: 3/14/2013
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 06/18/2012 and 03/14/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3773.34
Rule Amplifies: 3773.47, 3773.48
Prior Effective Dates: 8/19/84, 5/16/05, 4/18/09, 1/1/12