Section 3772-6-04 - Duty to update information(A) All gaming-related vendors and holding companies thereof must update the commission, in writing, of the following information:(2) Change to the state of incorporation or principal place of business;(3) Any bankruptcy filed, discharged, or dismissed;(4) Any arrest, charge, or conviction, plea of guilty or no contest for any crime or offense occurring in any jurisdiction, excluding minor misdemeanor traffic offenses;(5) Any inquiry into, investigation of, or action filed against the gaming-related vendor or holding company by any gaming regulatory agency or governmental gaming authority, except for routine renewal application reviews;(6) Any rejection, suspension, revocation, or denial of any gaming-related application or license, and any fine, penalty, or settled amount relating to any gaming-related license imposed upon or agreed to in any jurisdiction; and(7) Any other information affecting the gaming-related vendors' or holding companies' suitability .(B) All information required to be submitted under this section must include the name and license number, if applicable, of the gaming-related vendor and be submitted within ten calendar days of the change or event occurrence .Ohio Admin. Code 3772-6-04
Effective: 1/3/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/10/2021 and 01/03/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3772.03, 3772.033, 3772.05, 3772.10
Rule Amplifies: 3772.03, 3772.05, 3772.10, 3772.16
Prior Effective Dates: 12/27/2011, 12/21/2013, 01/01/2017