Section 3745-91-01 - DefinitionsExcept for definitions contained in this rule, the definitions in rule 3745-81-01 of the Administrative Code apply to this chapter. As used in this chapter of the Administrative Code:
(A) "Applicant" means the person who signs the submittal letter or detail plan documents as specified by rule 3745-91-07 of the Administrative Code.(B) "Like-kind replacement" means replacement of equipment or components that meet the design criteria specified in the plans approved by the director.(C) "Substantial change" means any change that affects isolation, capacity, flows, water quality, source, distribution or treatment.(1) Substantial change shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) For distribution systems: new waterlines; replacement waterlines that change in size, alignment or material; new tanks; modification in storage; new booster stations; changes in pump capacity and auxiliary power .(b) For water sources: any new source or alteration in source, including connection to another source or distribution system; any alteration in collection facilities or equipment .(c) For treatment facilities: new treatment processes, including facilities, equipment or chemicals; changes in chemical feed capacity, feeder type, application points or sequence; modifications to or removal of treatment processes, equipment or chemicals.(2) Substantial change shall not include the following:(a) For distribution systems: waterline cleaning, re-lining, repairs, or like-kind replacement; service connections; and tank maintenance .(b) For water sources: like-kind pump replacement .(c) For treatment facilities: like-kind replacement of components.(D) "General plan" means a written, long-term plan of the proposed or existing public water system that evaluates, at a minimum: existing circumstances, future conditions, alternatives, long and short term costs, affordability, sustainability and operation and maintenance.Ohio Admin. Code 3745-91-01
Effective: 8/12/2023
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/17/2011 and 03/17/2016 and 10/26/2015 and 10/26/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 6109.04
Rule Amplifies: 6109.01, 6109.03, 6109.04, 6109.07
Prior Effective Dates: 11/26/1980, 01/01/2002, 12/31/2006