Ohio Admin. Code 3745-42-05
[Comment: If the place to be served by a wastewater treatment works is not listed in table A-1 of this rule, the applicant or consultant should discuss the design flow with an Ohio EPA district office representative so that a proper flow value and waste strength can be chosen.]
Flows may be reduced through the scenarios in this paragraph, and the wastewater treatment works design shall accommodate organic and solids loading established utilizing the original design flows contained in table A-1.
[Comment: To convert milligrams per liter to pounds per day, the following formula can be used:
Pounds per day = [(concentration) x (flow) x (conversion factor)]
Pounds per day = [(mg/L) x (MGD) x ( 8.34)]
Note: MGD means the flow expressed in million gallons per day.]
Table A-1 for design flow and waste strength requirements g
Place | Notes | Design flow (gallons per day) | Waste strength range BOD5 (milligrams per liter) |
Airport | b, i, j, p, r, t | 15 per employee plus 4 per parking space | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Apartment | b, l | 120 per bedroom | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Assembly hall | a, i, j | 15 per employee plus 3 per seat without kitchen facilities or 7 per seat with kitchen facilities | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Banquet hall | b i, j | 15 per employee plus 3 per seat without kitchen facilities or 7 per seat with kitchen facilities | 400 |
Barber shop | i, j | 80 per basin | 200 to 280 s |
Beauty shop, styling salon | i, j | 200 per basin | 200 to 280 s |
Bowling alley | a, i, j, p | 75 per lane | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Car wash | Sewer connection required; contact district office | ||
Campground or recreational vehicle park | a, i, j, m, n, p | 30 per tent camp site without showers; 60 per tent camp site with showers; 60 per RV camp site without water hookup; 90 per RV camp site with water hookup | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Church (less than 200 sanctuary seats) | a, h, j, k, o, p | 3 per sanctuary seat without kitchen; 5 per sanctuary seat with kitchen | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Church (greater than 200 sanctuary seats) | b h, j, k, o, p | 5 per sanctuary seat without kitchen; 7 per sanctuary seat with kitchen | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Coffee shop | a i, j | 15 per employee plus 5 per seat | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Convenience store, service station or gas station (add all flows that apply) | a, d, i, j, p, q | 500 per pump island; 500 per service bay; 250 per shower; 15 per employee | 200 to 280 r, s, t, u |
Country club, sportsman club or gun club | b i, j, m, n, o, p | 50 per individual based on occupancy capacity | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Dance hall | a, i, j, p | 15 per employee plus 3 per patron without kitchen facilities or 7 per patron with kitchen facilities | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Daycare facility | a, i, j, p | 35 per employee plus 10 per student or child | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Dentist office | i | 35 per employee plus 10 per patient that can be scheduled to be seen in a given day plus 75 per dentist | 200 to 280 s |
Doctor office | i | 35 per employee plus 10 per patient that can be scheduled to be seen in a given day plus 75 per doctor | 200 to 280 s |
Dry cleaner | i | Contact district office 1 | 200 to 280 s |
Factory or manufacturing facility | i, q | 25 per employee without showers; 35 per employee with showers | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Food service operation/restaurant categories (as noted below) | |||
-Ordinary restaurant (not open 24 hours) | c, i, j, p | 35 per seat | 400 to 600 |
- 24-hour restaurant | c, i, j, p | 60 per seat | 400 to 600 |
-Restaurant along freeway | c, i, j, p | 100 per seat | 400 to 600 |
-Tavern (very little food service) or bar (full food service) | c, i, j, p | 35 per seat | 400 to 600 |
-Curb service (drive-in) | c, i, j, p | 40 per car space | 400 to 600 |
-Vending machine | c, i, j, p | 100 per machine | 400 to 600 |
*** End of food service operation/restaurant categories *********** | *** End of food service operation/restaurant categories *********** | *** End of food service operation/restaurant categories *********** | *** End of food service operation/restaurant categories *********** |
Homes in subdivision | b, l | 120 per bedroom | 200 to 280 r, s |
Horse stable | a, j | 120 for outdoor living quarters if present on property plus 120 per wash stall plus 50 per horse stall for boarding | 200 to 280 |
Hospital | b, i, j, p | 300 per bed plus 35 per employee | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Hotel or motel | a, i, j, p | 100 per room | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Institution (such as psychiatric hospitals or prisons) | b, i, j, p | 100 per bed plus 35 per employee | 300 |
Laundromat | i, q | 15 per employee plus 400 per washing machine | 200 to 280 s |
Marina (restrooms and showers only) | a, i | 20 per boat mooring or slip | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Labor camp | e, i, j, p | 50 per employee | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Mobile home park | b, i, j, p | 300 per mobile home space | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Nursing and rest homes | b, i, j, p | 200 per bed plus 100 per resident employee plus 50 per non-resident employee | 300 |
Office building | a, i, j, k | 20 per employee | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Playground or day park | a, i, k, p | 15 per employee plus 12 per parking space | 200 to 280 s |
Stand alone retail store | a, i, j, p | 15 per employee plus 12 per parking space | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
School | b, i, j, k, p, t | 15 per employee plus 15 per student for elementary schools; 20 per student for junior and high schools; 85 per student for boarding schools | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Service station or convenience store or gas station (add all flows that apply) | a, d,i, j, p, q, u, v | 500 per pump island; 500 per service bay; 250 per shower; 15 per employee | 200 to 280 r, s, t, u |
Shopping center | a, f, l, p, q | 15 per employee plus 2 per parking space without food service or 5 per parking space with food service | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Swimming pool | a, i, j, m, n | 5 per swimmer without hot showers or 10 per swimmer with hot showers, based on permitted capacity | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Theater | a, i, j, p | 5 per seat for indoor auditorium or 10 per car space for drive-in | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Vacation cottage | b, i, j, p | 50 per person without kitchen or 75 per person with kitchen | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Veterinarian office and animal hospital | f, i, j | 15 per employee plus 100 per doctor plus 20 per run and cage | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Youth and recreation camps | b, i, j, p | 15 per employee for day camp plus 15 per camper for day camp with food service or 10 per camper for day camp without food service; 50 per employee for overnight camp plus 50 per camper for overnight camp, based upon occupancy capacity | 200 to 280 r, s, t |
Note a: Food service waste not included.
Note b: Food service waste included, but without garbage grinders.
Note c: Aeration tanks for these systems require forty-eight-hour detention periods. Garbage grinders not permitted.
Note d: Truck parking areas will require consideration for treatment of runoff at large truck stops.
Note e: Twenty gallons per day of a vault latrine is used for toilet wastes.
Note f: Assume manual hosing of dog runs and solids (food droppings, etc.) removal prior to hosing.
Note g: Year round disinfection of all wastewater may be required before discharge to waters of the state or to any other surface or subsurface disposal systems.
Note h: Lower per seat estimate assumes a maximum of one church service per day, higher per seat estimate assumes a maximum of three church services per day. Weddings and funerals shall be counted as services.
Note i: Non-domestic or industrial wastes are prohibited from being discharged to soil based treatment systems.
Note j: Total capacity for number of persons should be confirmed by occupancy license or total occupancy capacity.
Note k: Higher flows shall be estimated when showers are available.
Note l: Deviating from this estimated design flow will require the director's approval, prior to applicant submitting the permit to install.
Note m: Pools cannot discharge pool filter backwash into soil based treatment systems.
Note n: Pool de-watering is prohibited from discharging to soil based treatment systems.
Note o: Flow estimates do not consider daycare facilities. If a daycare is present, the flow requirements for a daycare facility must be included.
Note p: An external grease trap is required for facilities with food service for soil based treatment systems.
Note q: Assume one working shift of not more than eight hours. Assume higher flows for two or three shift operations.
Note r: Assume no garbage grinder and normal domestic waste. If garbage grinders are present, the waste strength should be increased from twenty to sixty-five per cent.
Note s: Data for regular strength waste range of 200 to 280 milligrams per liter was obtained from U.S. EPA's manual "Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual, Revised 2002 (EPA/625/R-00/008)." This manual is available on the internet at www.epa.gov/ncepihom/ and can be ordered by telephone by calling (800) 490-9198.
Note t: Waste strength should be twenty to sixty-five per cent higher for facilities that include food service operations, such as cafeterias, service stations and for facilities that may handle pet wastes.
Note u: Sewer connection is required for a car wash. Please contact your district office.
Ohio Admin. Code 3745-42-05
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/30/2018 and 08/01/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 6111.03, 6111.04, 6111.44, 6111.45, 6111.46
Rule Amplifies: 6111.03, 6111.04, 6111.44, 6111.45, 6111.46
Prior Effective Dates: 11/01/2006, 03/01/2012