The owner or operator of a facility subject to rule 3745-27-09 of the Administrative Code shall submit and implement revisions to the operating record not later than two hundred seventy days after the effective date of this rule. The owner or operator of a facility not subject to rule 3745-27-09 of the Administrative Code shall implement the revisions and submit copies of the revisions to Ohio EPA and the approved health department not later than two hundred seventy days after the effective date of this rule.
[Comment: Owners and operators are only required to revise the portions of the facility's current ground water monitoring plans that do not comply with the amendments to this rule and are not required to submit a whole new plan. All variance approvals issued under the provisions of this rule continue in effect.]
[Comment: All owners or operators of facilities currently operating, and those that have closed since March 1, 1990, shall amend the closure plans and ground water monitoring program plans to comply with this rule. The only exception to this requirement is for those owners or operators required to follow a past version of this rule by an order of the director.]
[Comment: There are landfill facilities currently required to follow past versions of this rule due to orders from the director. Paragraph (A)(2)(c) of this rule allows these facilities to continue to follow the orders issued by the director. Paragraph (A)(2)(d) of this rule allows the owners or operators of facilities under orders to follow past versions of this rule to request modification of the applicable order to allow them to follow the current version of this rule.]
The director may require or otherwise authorize an owner or operator to conduct surface water monitoring (i.e. seeps, springs or streams) as part of the ground water monitoring system in areas where it may not be practical to place a well. Such surface water samples shall be representative of ground water quality passing directly downgradient of the limits of solid waste placement.
[Comment: The director's authorization to conduct surface water monitoring under this rule should include provisions for sampling procedures, constituents to be analyzed, and analyzing the resulting data.]
[Comment: The analysis methods used, including method detection limits and practical quantitation limits for the constituents analyzed, do not have to be documented within the sampling and analysis plan. They do have to be submitted with the analysis data as required in paragraph (C)(10) of this rule.]
The number of duplicate samples, field blanks, trip blanks, and equipment blanks shall be enough to adequately demonstrate the accuracy of the analysis results.
[Comment: The statistical method to be used during the initial statistical comparison required under paragraph (D)(5) of this rule needs to be submitted not later than ninety days after collecting the eighth background sample. If it is anticipated that the statistical method to be used will be an intrawell method, then the statistical plan shall be submitted not later than ninety days after the eighth sample has been collected from the well in question. If it is anticipated that the statistical method to be used will be an interwell method, then the statistical plan shall be submitted ninety days after a total of eight samples have been collected from the background wells. The eight background samples collected shall be evenly distributed across all background wells.]
[Comment: The items requested in paragraph (C)(10) of this rule , may be submitted on an electronic format compatible with Ohio EPA software.]
[Comment: Existing data to meet the provision of the above rule is allowed provided that the sampling and analysis procedures used to collect and analyze the sample are documented, available for review and consistent with paragraph (C)(1) of this rule.]
[Comment: Existing data to meet the provisions of the above rule is allowed provided that the sampling and analysis procedures used to collect and analyze the sample are documented, available for review and consistent with paragraph (C)(1) of this rule.]
[Comment: The "1 of M resampling method" is a statistical resampling procedure to verify the statistically significant increase over background determined for the first sample taken from a monitoring well. The number of resamples used with the method will vary depending on the number of background samples available. The number of resamples usually does not exceed two. As an example, for the Ohio EPA, a "1 of 2 method" means the original sample plus one resample with the analysis data from both samples having to demonstrate a statistically significant increase above background in order for the owner or operator to make a new determination of the concentration of any contaminant released and the rate and extent of migration of the contaminants release to ground water .]
[Comment: The reports under paragraph (D)(7)(c) of this rule are required to be certified by a qualified ground water scientist in accordance with paragraph (A)(5) of this rule.]
[Comment: The ground water quality assessment plan is required to be certified by a qualified ground water scientist in accordance with paragraph (A)(5) of this rule. The ground water quality assessment plan is a self-implementing plan which does not require approval from Ohio EPA prior to implementation by the owner or operator.]
[Comment: Paragraph (C)(10) of this rule requires all ground water analysis and statistical analysis results to be submitted to the operating record not later than seventy-five days after sampling a monitoring well.]
[Comment: Except for paragraph (E)(8)(a) of this rule, no statistical evaluation of any data is required to be performed under the ground water quality assessment program.]
[Comment: If a well was in compliance with the requirements of the ground water detection monitoring program prior to initiation of the ground water assessment monitoring program and the well is not necessary to make a determination in accordance with paragraph (E)(5) of this rule, then the well shall continue to be monitored under the ground water detection monitoring program requirements as the ground water assessment monitoring program continues.]
This shall include portions of the contaminant plume that exist beyond the facility boundary, unless the owner or operator demonstrates to the director that, despite the owner or operator's best efforts, the owner or operator was unable to obtain the necessary permission to undertake such action. At a minimum, the owner or operator shall submit a copy of their written access request and if a response is provided, a copy of the written statement from the off-site property owner indicating that off-site access is denied. The owner or operator is not relieved of all responsibility to clean up a release that has migrated beyond the facility boundary where off-site access is denied. On-site measures to address such releases will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
The compliance monitoring plan shall be implemented with the first semiannual sampling event that occurs after the submittal of the compliance monitoring plan. The compliance monitoring plan shall at a minimuminclude the following:
[Comment: Activities conducted while in compliance monitoring are to demonstrate that the contamination released to the environment continues to be non-hazardous and that the source control measures implemented have limited the growth of the contaminant plume, prevented new contaminants from being released, and stopped the increase in the concentrations of the contaminants already released.]
[Comment: The above rule requires that all contaminants released from the facility have a new intrawell statistical background established for them prior to statistically analyzing the results. For those constituents that have not been released from the facility, the old statistical background data set used for detection monitoring is still appropriate to use and statistical analysis may begin for these constituents with the first sampling event required under this paragraph.]
[Comment: If a statistical analysis demonstrates a statistically significant increase over background in concentration for parameters 1 through 62 of appendix I to this rule, then the facility is required to update the ground water quality assessment plan and determine the concentration of any contaminant released as well as the rate and extent of migration of the contaminants.]
[Comment: If a statistical analysis demonstrates a statistically significant increase over the new background in concentration for any parameter other than parameters 1 through 62 of appendix I to this rule, then the facility is required to sample for the parameters within appendix II to this rule. If a parameter contained in appendix II to this rule is detected above background, then the owner or operator is required to update the ground water quality assessment plan and determine the concentration of any contaminant released as well as the rate and extent of migration of the contaminants.]
This shall include the degree of certainty that the remediation procedure will prove successful. Factors to be considered include the following:
[Comment: Upon the selection of a corrective measure by the director, the owner or operator shall comply with the financial assurance requirements of rule 3745-27-18 of the Administrative Code.]
Ohio Admin. Code 3745-27-10
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 08/01/2016 and 01/01/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3734.02, 3734.12
Rule Amplifies: 3734.02, 3734.12
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/1990, 6/1/1994, 8/15/2003