Section 3701-33-08 - Laundry facilities(A) To comply with minimum standards of habitability: (1) Laundry facilities for the use of all occupants shall be provided with the following:(a) A supply of hot and cold running water;(b) A roof over the laundry area;(c) Floors constructed of impervious materials and sloped to a floor drain;(d) Laundry tubs in the ratio of one per twenty-five occupants. Mechanical washers may be provided in lieu of laundry tubs, in the ratio of one per fifty occupants. Although, a minimum of one laundry tub shall be provided in addition to the mechanical washers; and(e) Facilities for drying clothes.(2) In camps constructed or substantially altered after April 2, 1985, laundry facilities shall be located in a building with a floor that is constructed of impervious materials and sloped to a floor drain.(B) To comply with the voluntary standards of habitability: (1) Mechanical washers shall be provided in the ratio of one per twenty five occupants; and(2) Laundry facilities shall be located in a building with a floor that is constructed of impervious materials and is sloped to a floor drain. Replaces: 3701-33-12
Ohio Admin. Code 3701-33-08
Effective: 1/1/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 01/01/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3733.42
Rule Amplifies: 3733.42, 3733.43, 3733.431, 3733.44, 3733.45, 3733.46, 3733.47, 3733.471, 3733.48
Prior Effective Dates: 6/1/1975, 4/2/85, 9/6/98