Section 3701-3-13 - Isolation requirementA person infected with one of the following specified diseases or conditions shall be isolated as set forth in this rule:
(A) Amebiasis: a person with amebiasis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return after diarrhea has ceased and three follow-up stool specimens are negative for Entamoeba histolytica.(B) Campylobacteriosis: a person with campylobacteriosis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return when the following conditions are met: (1) A child may return to a child care center after his or her diarrhea has ceased.(2) A person may return to work in a sensitive occupation after diarrhea has ceased, provided the person's duties do not include food handling.(3) A food handler may return to work only after diarrhea has ceased and one of the following conditions are met:(a) Forty-eight hours of effective antimicrobial therapy; or(b) Two consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Campylobacter.(C) Chickenpox: a person with chickenpox shall be isolated, including exclusion from school, child care center, and public places until the sixth day after onset of rash, or until all lesions are dry. Contagiousness may be prolonged in patients with altered immunity. Persons with chickenpox shall avoid contact with susceptible persons.(D) Cholera: a person with cholera who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return when the following conditions are met: (1) A child may return to a child care center after diarrhea has ceased.(2) A person may return to work in a sensitive occupation after diarrhea has ceased, provided that his or her duties do not include food handling.(3) A food handler may return to work after diarrhea has ceased and two consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Vibrio cholerae.(E) Conjunctivitis, purulent: a person with purulent conjunctivitis who attends or works in a child care center shall be excluded from the child care center and may return twenty-four hours after the initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy.(F) Cryptosporidiosis: a person with cryptosporidiosis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return when the following conditions are met: (1) The child may return to the child care center after diarrhea has ceased.(2) A person may return to work in a sensitive occupation after diarrhea has ceased, provided that his or her duties do not include food handling.(3) A food handler may return to work after diarrhea has ceased and after three consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Cryptosporidium.(G) Cyclosporiasis: a person with cyclosporiasis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return after diarrhea has ceased and effective antimicrobial therapy has begun.(H) Diarrhea, infectious or of unknown cause: a person with diarrhea, of infectious or unknown cause, who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return only after diarrhea has ceased. A person with infectious diarrhea of known cause shall be isolated in accordance with the provisions of the rule set forth for the specified disease.(I) Diphtheria: a person with diphtheria shall be isolated until two cultures, from both throat and nose, and additionally, in the case of cutaneous diphtheria, a culture from skin lesions, are negative for diphtheria bacilli. Cultures shall be taken not less than twenty-four hours apart, and not less than twenty-four hours after cessation of antimicrobial therapy. If culturing is unavailable or impractical, isolation may be ended after fourteen days of effective antimicrobial therapy.(J) Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7, other enterohemorrhagic (Shiga toxin-producing) E. coli or hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS): a person with Escherichia coli (E. coli O157:H7, other enterohemorrhagic (Shiga toxin-producing) E. coli or hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return after his or her diarrhea has ceased and after two consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for E. coli O157:H7 or other enterohemorrhagic (Shiga toxin-producing) E. coli.(K) Giardiasis: a person with giardiasis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return after diarrhea has ceased and one of the following conditions have been met: (1) Seventy-two hours of effective antimicrobial therapy; or(2) Three consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Giardia.(L) Hepatitis A: a person with hepatitis A who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation until ten days after initial onset of symptoms.(M) Measles: a person with measles shall be isolated, including exclusion from school or child care center, for four days following the onset of rash. Contagiousness may be prolonged in patients with altered immunity.(N) Meningitis, aseptic, and viral meningoencephalitis, but not including arthropod-borne disease: a person with aseptic meningitis or viral meningoencephalitis shall be excluded from school or child care center until he or she is afebrile.(O) Meningococcal disease: a person with meningococcal disease shall be isolated until twenty-four hours after the initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy.(P) Mumps: a person with mumps shall be isolated, including exclusion from school or child care center, for five days after the onset of parotid swelling.(Q) Pediculosis: a person with body lice shall be excluded from school or child care center until twenty-four hours after application of an effective pediculicide. A person with head lice shall be excluded from school or child care center until after the first treatment with an effective pediculicide.(R) Pertussis (whooping cough): a person with pertussis, who is not treated with effective antimicrobial therapy, shall be isolated, including exclusion from school or child care center, until three weeks after the onset of paroxysms. If effective antimicrobial therapy is given, the person shall be isolated for five days after initiation of antimicrobial therapy.(S) Plague: a person with plague shall be placed in droplet isolation until completion of forty-eight hours of effective antimicrobial therapy.(T) Rubella: a person with rubella shall be isolated, including exclusion from school or child care center, for seven days after the onset of the rash. Persons with congenital rubella shall be isolated until they are one year old unless nasopharyngeal and urine cultures after three months of age are repeatedly negative for rubella.(U) Salmonellosis: a person with salmonellosis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return when the following conditions are met: (1) The child may return to the child care center after diarrhea has ceased.(2) A person may return to work in a sensitive occupation after diarrhea has ceased, provided that his or her duties do not include food handling.(3) A person who is a food handler may return to work after diarrhea has ceased and after two consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Salmonella.(V) SARS (severe acute respiratory distress syndrome): a person with confirmed or suspected SARS shall be placed in airborne isolation until no longer considered infectious.(W) Scabies: a person with scabies shall be isolated for twenty-four hours following initial treatment with an effective scabicide. A person with the manifestation of scabies known as "crusted scabies" shall be isolated until the mite can no longer be demonstrated on a scabies preparation.(X) Shigellosis: a person with shigellosis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return if diarrhea has ceased and after two consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Shigella.(Y) Smallpox: a person with confirmed or suspected smallpox shall be placed in airborne isolation in a facility designated by the director. The patient's release from the facility can occur when all scabs have fallen off.(Z) Streptococcal infection: a person with a streptococcal infection shall be excluded from school or child care center for twenty-four hours after the initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy.(AA) Tuberculosis (TB): a person with infectious tuberculosis shall be isolated according to Chapter 3701-15 of the Administrative Code until the person has three negative AFB sputum smear results, collected eight to twenty-four hours apart (with at least one being an early morning specimen) and the person has responded clinically to an antituberculosis treatment regimen consistent with the results of any susceptibility testing performed and until the local authorized TB authority, as set out in section 339.72 of the Revised Code, or his or her designee approves that person's removal from isolation.(BB) Typhoid fever person works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from work and may return after the person is asymptomatic and after three consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Salmonella Typhi.(CC) Typhus: a louse infested person with typhus shall be isolated until twenty-four hours after application of an effective pediculicide for body lice and clothing and environment are free of body lice.(DD) Viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF): a person with confirmed or suspected viral hemorrhagic fever shall be placed in airborne isolation until no longer considered infectious.(EE) Yellow fever: a person with confirmed or suspected yellow fever shall be isolated to prevent access of mosquitoes to the patient for at least five days after onset of disease.(FF) Yersiniosis: a person with yersiniosis who attends a child care center or works in a sensitive occupation shall be excluded from the child care center or work in the sensitive occupation and may return when the following conditions are met: (1) A child may return to the child care center after diarrhea has ceased.(2) A person may return to work in a sensitive occupation after diarrhea has ceased, provided that his or her duties do not include food handling.(3) A food handler may return to work after diarrhea has ceased and two consecutive follow-up stool specimens are negative for Yersinia.Ohio Admin. Code 3701-3-13
Effective: 7/1/2014
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/26/2014 and 07/01/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3701.13
Rule Amplifies: 3701.13, 3701.24, 3701.241, 3701.242, 3701.243, 3701.244, 3701.245, 3701.246, 3701.247, 3701.248, 3701.249, 3707.04, 3707.05, 3707.06, 3707.07, 3707.08
Prior Effective Dates: 11/15/1976, 7/23/98, 10/17/02, 1/1/09