Section 3701-16-14 - Space standards(A) For purposes of this rule, "habitable floor area" means the clear floor area of a bedroom or resident unit and the floor area occupied by the usual room furniture, such as beds, chairs, sofas, dressers, and tables and does not include areas partitioned off in the bedroom or resident unit such as closets and toilet rooms.(B) Each residential care facility is obligated to provide resident unit space for each resident which meets the following criteria: (1) Except as provided for in paragraphs (B)(1)(a) and (B)(1)(b) of this rule, in facilities which were licensed prior to December 22, 1964, and in continuous operation since that date, every single-occupancy bedroom is obligated to have a habitable floor area of not less than eighty square feet and every multi- occupancy bedroom is obligated to have a habitable floor area of not less than seventy square feet per person.(a) Resident units added after December 22, 1964, are obligated to comply with paragraph (B)(2) of this rule; and(b) Any building licensed as a facility on or before December 22, 1964, that discontinued operating as a facility and later resumed facility operation is obligated to comply with paragraph (B)(2) of this rule;(2) For every building or addition to a building erected or converted to use or initially licensed as a facility after December 22, 1964, every single-occupancy resident unit is obligated to have a habitable floor area of not less than one hundred square feet and every multi-occupancy resident unit is obligated to have a habitable floor area of not less than eighty square feet per person;(3) No resident unit, bedroom, or similar division used for sleeping purposes by residents is allowed to be occupied by more than four residents;(4) A resident unit is not allowed to be used as a passageway to other areas of the residential care facility;(5) Each resident will have a resident-activated resident call system as defined by paragraph (FF) of rule 3701-16-01 of the Administrative Code, in good working order that, at minimum, provides for the transmission of calls from resident rooms and toilet and bathing facilities and cannot be deactivated from any location except from where the resident initiated the call, unless the staff is able to communicate with the resident;(6) Resident units are obligated to be separated from halls, corridors, and other rooms by permanent floor-to-ceiling walls. Temporary partitions are not allowed to be used to separate resident units;(7) Each resident bedroom is obligated to have a minimum of one window opening to the outside or to an atrium with a curtain, shade, or other appropriate covering to assure privacy and a screen if the window is operable;(8) Each residential care facility is obligated to ensure that each resident unit is equipped with the furnishings and supplies specified in paragraph (C) of rule 3701-16-15 of the Administrative Code; and(9) Each residential care facility is obligated to assign non-ambulatory residents to resident units on a floor that exits to ground level unless there is an elevator to accommodate movement of such residents to other floors of the facility.(C) Each residential care facility that provides meals is obligated to have at least one room or suitable area with comfortable, safe, and functional furniture to be used by residents for dining purposes that comfortably accommodates the number of residents to whom the residential care facility provides meals. (D) As used in this rule, "bathroom" means a room or rooms including at least one toilet, one shower or bathtub, and one sink. Each residential care facility is obligated to provide at least one toilet, one shower or bathtub, and one sink for every eight residents living in the residential care facility. Each residential care facility is obligated to meet the following standards regarding bathroom facilities: (1) The bathrooms and all the facilities therein are to be in good repair, in a clean and sanitary condition, free from filth and accumulation of waste;(2) Bathrooms and all fixtures therein ensure resident privacy and dignity. Where there are more than one toilet or more than one bathtub or shower in a bathroom, each toilet and each bathtub or shower is to be enclosed in such a way as to maintain the privacy of each resident;(3) Bathrooms are obligated to conform to the Ohio building code;(4) At all times, bathrooms and all the facilities therein are to be kept in good repair, in a clean and sanitary condition, and free from filth and accumulated waste, and be provided with a supply of toilet tissue, unless provided by the resident as specified in the resident agreement. Each hand washing basin will be provided soap and a self-draining device or other appropriate dispenser unless provided by the resident as specified in the resident agreement;(5) Each bathtub and shower will have a nonskid surfacing and handrails or grab bars. Each residential care facility is obligated to provide handrails or grab bars near each toilet in resident units occupied by individuals who need assistance with activities of daily living or, if resident units do not have toilets, near a sufficient number of toilets on each floor of the facility to accommodate such individuals; and(6) Each bathtub, shower, and sink will have hot and cold running water. If the residential care facility is in control of the hot water temperature, the hot water is to be at least one hundred five degrees fahrenheit and no more than one hundred twenty degrees fahrenheit at the point of use. If a resident is in control of the hot water temperature in their resident unit, the residential care facility is obligated to ensure that the hot water is at a safe temperature sufficient to meet the preferences of the resident.(E) As used in this paragraph, "toilet room" means a room or rooms conforming to the Ohio building code, and including a water closet and a lavatory which is located in or adjacent to the room in which the water closet is located. The residential care facility is obligated to provide toilet tissue, soap in a self-draining device or other appropriate dispenser, and individual paper towels or a hand dryer for all toilet rooms or bathrooms open to staff, visitors, or both.Ohio Admin. Code 3701-16-14
Effective: 7/12/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/25/2024 and 07/02/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3721.04
Rule Amplifies: 3721.02, 3721.03, 3721.07, 3721.071
Prior Effective Dates: 12/21/1992, 09/29/1996, 12/01/2001, 04/01/2007, 01/01/2013, 03/01/2018