Ohio Admin. Code 3364-71-17
The university of Toledo recognizes that students have opportunities for learning beyond the traditional or more formal methods of education and may award college credit for demonstrated college-level learning outcomes through prior learning assessment (PLA). College-level learning is defined as demonstrated achievement of the learning outcomes, theoretical and/or applied, aligned with the content of a credit bearing, college course. Prior learning assessment will adhere to guidelines established by the higher learning commission (HLC), the council for adult and experiential learning (CAEL), and the Ohio department of higher education (ODHE).
The university recognizes the awarding of PLA through credit through accepted practices such as examination (CBE), college level examination program (CLEP), discipline subject standardization tests (DSST), an assessment of experiential learning, and military education, training or experiences. A maximum of thirty credit hours of credit awarded through PLA may be applied towards a baccalaureate degree with a total of fifteen credit towards an associate degree. Credits earned through PLA do not fulfill college residency requirements. Individual colleges, schools and/or departments within the university of Toledo may establish prior learning credit limits for their own programs, degrees and certificates.
A student must be admitted to the university of Toledo to be eligible to pursue PLA credit however PLA credit will only be transcribed when the student is actively enrolled.
A student must earn a grade of "C" or better or a "PS" grade to receive prior learning credit. Credit earned through PLA is calculated into the student's grade point average.
This policy establishes the awarding of credit through PLA at the university of Toledo.
This policy applies to all undergraduate students.
Replaces: 3364-71-17
Ohio Admin. Code 3364-71-17
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364
Prior Effective Dates: 04/13/2020