Ohio Admin. Code 3364-60-08

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3364-60-08 - Environmental safety rounds
(A) Policy statement

An environmental safety rounds system shall be maintained on all university of Toledo campuses.

(B) Purpose of policy

To provide for the identification, tracking and correction of deficiencies in compliance with applicable codes, standards, policies and regulations that may present an unsafe environment for any person associated with any university of Toledo "UT" facility.

(C) Roles and Responsibilities
(1) Format

The environmental safety rounds team shall consist of persons from the following departments:

(a) Environmental health and radiation safety;
(b) Environmental services;
(c) Facilities maintenance;
(d) Department director or designee (responsible for the area being surveyed);
(e) Infection control on the health science campus.
(2) Responsibility

The Environmental health and radiation safety department is responsible for scheduling surveys at the university medical center, outpatient clinics and non-clinical building on the health science campus in a manner that assures coverage of the necessary areas when they are due for a survey. Clinical areas will be surveyed twice yearly. Non-clinical rounds main campus are scheduled through plant operations.

Department chairmen/lab directors are responsible for the correction of all deficiencies and for providing appropriate documentation of such correction to the environmental health and radiation safety department.

The director of environmental health and radiation safety, or designee, is responsible for maintaining all surveillance activity documentation and for reporting the activities to the UT safety and health committee on a regular basis and to follow up on all uncorrected deficiencies.

(3) Documentation/reporting

The environmental health and radiation safety department shall record all deficiencies on a standard reporting form. Upon completion of the department survey, the environmental health and radiation safety department shall provide a report of each deficiency recorded via e-mail, or other means.

Following correction of the deficiency the department director/lab director shall document all corrective action via return e-mail declaring the deficiency corrected. The environmental health and radiation safety department will enter all information related to the deficiency and its correction into the database.

(4) Present structure

The structural and physical integrity of campus buildings, exteriors and grounds will be checked as a part of the preventive maintenance program by individuals designated by the director for facilities maintenance. Special emphasis will be placed on locating any defects (loose brick, roofing, broken walkways, trip hazards) which may pose a danger to staff, patients, visitors, students and other personnel. Any defect located which constitutes a hazard will be appropriately identified and repaired in a timely manner.

The interior of all buildings will be inspected as a part of the preventive maintenance program by individuals designated by the associate vice president for facilities and construction. These inspections will be carried out in order to locate any physical or mechanical defects in the building or equipment which may pose a hazard to any person.

If employees notice a defect or unsafe situation, they should report it to their department head and/or the facilities maintenance work control center (Ext. 5353 health science campus or Ext. 1000 main campus), or complete an online maintenance work order request.

Ohio Admin. Code 3364-60-08

Effective: 5/12/2018
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3364
Rule Amplifies: 3364