The university is committed to enabling prospective and existing students to complete enrollment and related business functions required to remain in good standing with the university in an efficient, streamlined and student-friendly manner. The purpose of this rule is to ensure the establishment of business functions required for student business matters such as, but not limited to: enrollment and registration processes; course and laboratory schedules; deadlines for all required business actions such as the payment of tuition and fees, housing and meal plan rates; payment due-dates for each term; refund schedules for courses that students drop or withdraw from; placement of student-account "holds" for non-payment (when permitted by law;) and guidelines for the collection of outstanding account balances.
The president will ensure the adoption of procedures and guidelines, including the delegation of responsibility to university officials, for the effective administration of this rule and communication and distribution of information in a variety of formats.
Ohio Admin. Code 3362-4-62
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 01/27/2014, 01/28/2023