Section 3361:40-40-01 - Military service: students called to active duty or who enlistThe policy regarding students called to active duty or who enlist in the military service is set forth in this rule and also in paragraph (B)( 2) of rule 3361:20-31-05 of the Administrative Code.
(A) Call to active duty.(1) A student who is called to state military service or active duty status in one of the United States military services divisions, or a student who is the spouse or domestic partner of a deployed service member with a dependent child, shall be given a one hundred per cent refund of all tuition and fees, under the following conditions:(a) The student (or his/her proxy) presents a copy of the student's, spouse's or domestic partner's active-duty military orders documents bearing both the student's, spouse's or domestic partner's name and an activation date that falls within the requested standard term.(b) The military orders presented do not indicate that the student, spouse or domestic partner is assigned a routine training period that can be rescheduled at the student's, spouse's or domestic partner's convenience.(c) In the case of a spouse or domestic partner, proof that a dependent child relationship exists.(2) If notification of active duty occurs late in the academic term such that the student and instructor(s) agree that a grade(s) may be assigned, or that a pass grade ("P") is appropriate, or that an incomplete ("I") shall be assigned and remaining coursework completed at a later date, the student may elect to remain enrolled in any or all course(s) and receive the grade(s) and credit for the course(s) as appropriate. In such cases, no refund shall be issued for the enrollment(s) remaining.(B) Enlistment. A student who enlists in the military service and who withdraws to do so shall receive a refund according to the regular refund policy in effect at the time of withdrawal.
Ohio Admin. Code 3361:40-40-01
Effective: 8/31/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3361
Rule Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 11/13/2001, 06/15/2012, 6/19/15