Section 3361:30-21-05 - Employment: nepotism(A) The university shall not appoint or employ persons to serve in any position or capacity in which they would directly supervise or be in a position to initiate, approve or participate in institutional decisions involving direct benefit to a relative.(B) No university employee or official shall directly supervise or initiate or participate in institutional decisions involving direct benefit to a relative or a spouse, including, without limitation: (1) Recommending or nominating a relative for employment;(2) Approving a relative's employment;(3) Securing or using one's influence to secure raises, promotions, favorable performance evaluations, overtime pay or assignments or other things of value related to employment.(C) For purposes of the rule "relative" means:(1) The following relations of an employee, regardless of where they live: (b) Children and step-children;(c) Parents and step-parents;(2) Any other individual related to an employee by blood or marriage that lives in the same household with the employee.(D) This rule does not prohibit university employees or officials from participating in decisions that involve indirect benefits to relatives to the extent that such participation is permissible under Ohio ethics laws (Chapter 102. of the Revised Code, section 2921.42 of the Revised Code and section 2921.43 of the Revised Code) and other applicable laws. Replaces: 3361:30-21-05
Ohio Admin. Code 3361:30-21-05
Effective: 4/13/2012
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3361
Rule Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/1978, 10/26/1978, 5/24/1980