Ohio Admin. Code 3361:10-51-01

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3361:10-51-01 - Sales and solicitation: policy and procedure
(A) Policy.
(1) Definitions.

"Sales" is defined to mean the activity of exchanging a product or service in return for money, goods, or other services.

"Solicitation" is defined to mean the activity or process of seeking to obtain the support of an individual for a cause, movement, doctrine, or commercial product through persuasion or formal application.

(2) Sales by non-university organizations.

There shall be no sales and solicitations conducted on university property, outside the parameters of this policy, except by vendors with whom the university has contracted for the sale of goods and services.

(3) Sales (direct or sponsored) by registered student and official university organizations.

The sale of service or products on university property shall only be conducted by students, faculty, or staff of the university of Cincinnati or by representatives of companies that have received approval from the required university office as outlined in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(4) Sales limitations.

Sales may not normally be conducted in competition with the products and services normally provided by the bookstores, Tangeman university center, or other university facilities. Exceptions to this policy may be made only with the concurrence of the university departments with which the activity will directly compete.

(5) Tax liability.

Sales taxes shall be paid to the state of Ohio for all sales to faculty, staff, and students as required under Ohio law.

(6) Solicitation (direct or sponsored) by registered student and official university organizations.

Solicitation on university property may only be conducted by students, faculty, or staff of the university of Cincinnati or by representatives of companies that have received approval from the required university office as outlined in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(7) Employee solicitation.

Employees may be solicited for purposes other than university business only during the non-working time for each employee. Non-university related literature may be distributed to employees only during the non-working time of each employee and in non-work areas.

(8) Solicitation - campus mail.

The use of campus mails at no cost is limited to official university business.

(9) Contract approval - university departments.

All contracts between the university (or its departments) and other parties shall be approved in the required fashion using the university's contract approval process (form A-910).

(B) Procedure.
(1) Sales or solicitation activity on university property.

Requests to conduct sales or solicitation on university property must be approved by the purchasing department which may consult with both the person(s) responsible for the building, as outlined in the university of Cincinnati use facilities policy manual and, if required, the office of student organizations and activities (for student sponsored activity on the west campus). Such sales or solicitations must be conducted by or sponsored by a registered student group or university department/affiliated group. Requests to conduct solicitation activity in academic buildings on west campus must also be approved by the chairperson of the use of facilities committee. The chairperson of the use of facilities committee may be contacted through the office of the student organizations and activities.

(C) Review and enforcement.

Ongoing review of the implementation of this policy, as well as any new concerns, will be reviewed on an as needed basis by the sales and solicitation committee. All concerns regarding this policy should be addressed to the chairperson of the sales and solicitation committee, who may be contacted through the office of the director of purchasing.

(D) Committee membership.

Committee membership shall be comprised of representatives from the university groups or departments shown below or as amended by the senior vice president for administrative and finance.

Faculty senate


Graduate student governance association

Provostal representative

Student affairs and services

Student government

University libraries

Ohio Admin. Code 3361:10-51-01

Effective: 4/1/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3361
Rule Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 03/30/1984, 07/01/1985, 08/12/1994, 02/09/1998, 03/21/2005, 04/07/2008