Chapter 3359-60 - Academics In General
- Section 3359-60-01 - Classification of students
- Section 3359-60-02 - Undergraduate admissions
- Section 3359-60-03.1 - Credit by transfer and/or examination
- Section 3359-60-03.2 - Credit/noncredit option (undergraduate and postbaccalaureate only) and re-examination
- Section 3359-60-03.3 - Repeating courses
- Section 3359-60-03.4 - Academic reassessment and discipline
- Section 3359-60-03.5 - Grades and the grading system
- Section 3359-60-03.6 - Graduation
- Section 3359-60-04 - Fees
- Section 3359-60-04.1 - Residency requirements
- Section 3359-60-04.2 - Regulations regarding refunds: credit/noncredit
- Section 3359-60-04.3 - Residence hall refunds
- Section 3359-60-04.4 - Credit hour requirement for university housing occupancy
- Section 3359-60-04.5 - Freshman residential requirement
- Section 3359-60-05 - Financial aid
- Section 3359-60-06 - [Rescinded] Graduate student classification
- Section 3359-60-06.1 - Graduate student admissions
- Section 3359-60-06.2 - Graduate student standards
- Section 3359-60-06.3 - Master's degree requirements
- Section 3359-60-06.4 - Doctoral degree requirements
- Section 3359-60-06.5 - Graduate fees and refunds
- Section 3359-60-06.6 - Graduate student assistantships
- Section 3359-60-06.7 - Graduate certificate program requirements
- Section 3359-60-07 - School of law admission