Ohio Admin. Code 3358:5-7-12

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:5-7-12 - Prior learning assessment policy
(A) Prior learning assessment (PLA) is a process that enables learners to demonstrate what they have learned and translate that learning into college credit. PLA validates knowledge acquired through life experience, work experience, military experience, civic engagement, individual study and reading, and participation in classes or training sponsored by business and industry, professional organizations, and/or government agencies. Credit is awarded for college-level knowledge gained from experience and not for the experience itself. College-level learning is validated through pla when learners prove their mastery of the knowledge, skills, competencies, and abilities in a specific area of study offered by the college.
(B) There are a variety of third-party vendors that allow students to receive college credits in certain courses. Requisite advanced placement criteria are determined by vice president of academic affairs in partnership with department faculty, division dean, or designee. The types of prior learning examinations accepted by the college are the following:
(1) Advanced placement (AP):

AP exams are a series of examinations developed by the college board for AP high school classes in various subject areas. Students who have taken a college board ap credit examination must have scored at least a three to receive appropriate course credit.

(2) College level examination program (CLEP):

CLEP assesses proficiency in general education through thirty-three tests in five subject areas.

(3) Dantes subject standardized test (DSST):

DSST examinations test knowledge in both lower- and upper-level college course content through thirty-eight tests in six subject areas.

(4) International baccalaureate (IB):

Clark state recognizes the IB diploma as an advanced standing program for college credit.

(C) Military training and experience credit:

Students who have achieved military education and training credit may apply for acceptance of these credits toward the appropriate degree.

(D) Professional certification/industry credentials credit:

For courses in which professional certifications are utilized as an assessment tool, students may receive college credit for a course based on possessing such professional certification.

(E) Proficiency examinations:

Any student who believes he/she is qualified for college credit through experience, previous training, or noncredit coursework may request a proficiency exam at the appropriate division office. When a proficiency examination is an appropriate measure, the examination will be thorough and in keeping with the established goals and objectives of the course(s) and the overall program. Theoretical knowledge will be tested by faculty recommendation through common acceptable measures (i.e., paper and pencil, computerized, etc.) with the possibility of a practical skills component. Both written and practical skills testing may be required to ensure course rigor is maintained and achieved.

(F) Portfolio assessment:

A PLA portfolio is a detailed documentation illustrating college-level learning. The documentation varies by course and may include: examples of documents developed or materials made (like a machined part) at work or during some civic engagement, a self-assessment, an essay or oral interview explaining knowledge and experience, awards and honors, and certifications showing completion of workshops or seminars offered by professional organizations, business and industry or government agencies.

(G) Credit for prior learning assessment:
(1) All students are expected to complete the residency requirement of at least thirty credit hours of courswork at Clark state for a bachelor degree, fifteen credit hours of coursework at Clark state for an associate degree or twelve credit hours for a one-year certificate program. Credit equivalencies such as transfer and pla credit do not count toward the residency requirement.
(2) A student is limited to receiving fifty per cent total credits for a degree or certificate from pla. Additionally, credit equivalencies may not exceed one half of the required technical course credits for the degree, the one-year certificate, or the departmental certificate program being pursued unless recommended by the faculty and approved by the division dean or designee.
(3) All PLA credit is subject to time limitations for certain courses and/or majors. Limitations are determined by the profession/industry standards and the discretion of faculty, division dean or designee.
(4) To apply for PLA credit the student must be admitted to Clark state with an eligible declared major.
(5) Students may only apply for PLA credit for courses directly applicable to curriculum requirements in the student's declared certificate or degree program.
(6) A student who wishes to apply for PLA for a course in their major must complete the process prior to the term the student intends to receive the PLA credit for the course.
(7) Approved PLA credit does not guarantee credit or waiver for that course's prerequisites.
(8) Approved PLA credits serve as prerequisites in the same manner as their course equivalencies.
(9) All PLA must be awarded before the semester prior to graduation.
(10) A student may not apply for PLA for a course that the student:
(a) Is enrolled in after the fifteenth day.
(b) Has previously taken with a failing grade (F or UW; D grade if student's major requires a grade of C or better in the course for progression and graduation requirements).
(c) Has audited.
(11) Clark state accepts credit for prior learning that has been awarded by other regionally accredited institutions as per the college's transfer policy. These credits have the same limitations in their use in meeting graduation requirements as do PLA credits earned at clark state and will be used in computing the total hours of PLA for which a student is eligible.
(12) A student who intends to use credit for PLA in a course to meet clark state degree requirements and intends to transfer to another institution should check the requirements of the receiving institution.
(13) Course credit hours earned by third party vendors, military training experience credit, or professional certification are awarded and recorded by records and registration. Proficiency examinations and portfolios are assessed and awarded by faculty and recorded by records and registration.
(14) The records and registration office will maintain a copy of the student's PLA form which indicates the assessment process and final grade.
(H) Prior learning assessment appeals procedure:

Clark state has established a process for prior learning assessment appeals as listed in the PLA procedures document.

Ohio Admin. Code 3358:5-7-12

Effective: 10/14/2022
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.
Rule Amplifies: 3358.
Prior Effective Dates: 05/15/2017