Ohio Admin. Code 3358:5-7-09

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:5-7-09 - Continuing education policy
(A) Admissions and courses:

The department of continuing education offers a variety of credit and non-credit courses of a technical and vocational nature. Admission to the program is open to all residents of the area served by the college. Students desiring to pursue credit toward an associate degree must comply with college admissions requirements. Non-credit or special interest courses carry no prerequisites.

(B) Services:
(1) Service to local business, industry, the professions, and government is one of the most important functions of the college. Every effort will be made, wherever sufficient interest is shown, to offer instruction which will allow employees to upgrade or retrain themselves through continuing education. A wide range of courses from basic fundamentals to those requiring considerable preparation and background is offered.
(2) The department also can develop and administer, both on and off campus, programs specially tailored to meet the needs of private and public organizations, agencies, and groups. Programs can be single-session meetings or those requiring numerous hours for completion.
(C) The continuing education unit (CEU):

Various occupational standards, organizations, and professional groups are requiring members to update and upgrade their knowledge through continuing education activities. To facilitate this growing interest in life-long learning, the college awards the continuing education unit (CEU). The CEU is generally equated to be ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and a qualified instructor. The awarding of CEU's provides individuals, groups, and institutions with a standard of measurement for the recording, reporting, accumulation, and transfer of adult participation in approved continuing education activities. Decimal units may also be awarded for participation of less than ten hours.

(D) The mature citizens' educational program:
(1) Citizens sixty years of age or older who desire to be exempt from tuition and general fees may enroll in most college credit and non-credit classes on a space available basis. Classes which are excluded from this policy include but are not limited to non-credit STNA, phlebotomy, medical office specialist, welding, truck driver training, home inspection, specialized fire training, and high-skill specialized classes developed in the future. Continuing education third-party vendor courses including but not limited to Ed2Go on-line courses, home study activity director, and dental radiography courses are also excluded from this policy. Eligible persons desiring to participate in the program shall be exempt from normal admission requirements, as well as instructional and general fees, however, a materials fee shall be charged when applicable. In addition to course enrollment, participating citizens will have the opportunity to utilize college facilities, educational services, and take part in student activities.
(2) Space available means classroom seats unoccupied by regularly enrolled students approximately one day before the beginning of the class.

Ohio Admin. Code 3358:5-7-09

Effective: 10/14/2022
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/1978, 07/01/1998, 05/09/2008, 08/20/2012, 03/18/2015, 10/23/2015