Ohio Admin. Code 3358:5-7-02

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:5-7-02 - Grading system procedures
(A) Academic achievement is indicated by the following grades and points used in calculating grade point average (GPA):



Four course points per credit hour



Three course points per credit hour



Two course points per credit hour



One course point per credit hour



Zero course points per credit hour


Non-attendance (student registered for class but never attended; for online classes, never logged in")

Zero course points per credit hour

(B) Two cumulative GPAs are maintained on each student.
(1) The progress GPA includes all courses completed at Clark state for which a grade of "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", or "Z" is recorded. These include all college preparatory (CPE) courses and other pre college-level courses designated by the initial digit of 0.
(2) The graduation GPA does not include the grades for any CPE or other pre-college courses.
(C) A GPA is obtained by dividing the total number of course points earned in eligible courses by the total number of credit hours attempted in those courses. For example, consider the following grades earned by a student:

Credit Hours


Course Points

Course 1




Course 2




Course 3




Course 4




Total hours: 13

Total points: 33

The total number of course points. 33. is determined by adding together the points earned in each course (credit hours times grade points) That number is then divided by the total number of credit hours attempted. 13. to determine the GPA. In this case the average is 33/13 = 2.54.

(D) There are other symbols that can be issued with which there are no points associated:












No credit


Experiential credit Transfer credit


Transfer credit






In progress (self-paced courses only


No grade reported (records office use only)


Articulated credit

(E) {Enter paragraph text here}
(1) This process may be initiated when a student who is progressing satisfactorily in a course, but for reasons beyond his/her control (e.g.. illness or death in the family! will not have completed all requirements for the course when final grades are submitted by the instructor.
(2) If the student meets the above conditions, he/she must notify the instructor by the last day of any quarter. If the instructor agrees to an "I" grade, it shall be submitted on the grade report and the instructor shall set up a schedule on the incomplete grade form for completion of the course requirements by midterm of the following quarter. When the student has agreed and signed the form (normally within two weeks from the start of the next quarter! a copy shall be sent to the student's academic division for inclusion in the student's advising file. A copy shall also be given to the student and the original retained by the instructor.
(3) Upon the student's completion of the conditions established by the agreement on the incomplete grade form, the instructor shall change the "I" grade to another letter grade. If the student fails to complete the necessary conditions within the agreed schedule, the "I" grade shall automatically be changed on Friday of the fifth week of the following quarter to an "F" grade on the student's transcript.
(4) A student receiving an "I" grade at the end of spring or summer quarter must complete all conditions by Friday of the fifth week of fall quarter.
(F) Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade process
(1) Satisfactory is issued only for work-experience credits and survey courses of two credit hours or less.
(2) Students in the nursing program are graded in the clinical laboratory as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. As only one grade is recorded on the student's transcript, a student who has a satisfactory achievement in the clinical laboratory is given the grade achieved in the theory and principles of the course. Those who achieve an unsatisfactory grade in the clinical laboratory receive an "F" for the course. Evaluation is not limited to one quarter's work but rather is based on accumulated evidence within the laboratory assignments (i.e.. the student's pattern of performance! The cumulative performance shall be the indicator of safety in practice.
(G) Credit/no-credit grade process
(1) A student may petition the records office for permission to take one course each quarter to a maximum of six courses on a credit ("CR") or no-credit ("NC") basis. No more than two of these courses may be selected from general education offerings; no more than two from courses that are basic to a student's major; and no more than two from the technical courses.
(2) The records office shall officially announce a deadline for petitions prior to the start of any quarter.
(3) The student makes the choice at the time of registration and cannot change from "CR" or "NC" to the regular grading system or from the regular grading system to "CR" or "NC" after the quarter has begun. The instructor shall not be notified of the student's choice of the grading system. At the end of a quarter, a grade of "C" or better shall be converted to "CR" on the student's transcript; "D" or lower to "NC". A "CR" or "NC" grade shall not be included when computing a student's GPA.
(H) Repeating a course grade process

A student may repeat any course at the college one time without special permission. Permission to take courses a third or more times must be obtained from the dean of the division responsible for student's program of study. In order to obtain approval, the student must identify what changes they have made to enable them to successfully complete the course.

Replaces: 3385:5-7-02

Ohio Admin. Code 3358:5-7-02

Effective: 3/18/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358
Prior Effective Dates: 3/13/78, 7/1/82, 7/1/98, 4/5/99, 10/23/03, 4/24/06, 5/15/09, 5/14/10