Ohio Admin. Code 3358:3-1-11

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:3-1-11 - Textbook policy
(A) Textbooks and other materials are selected by faculty for the benefit of student learning. The college affirms the right of faculty to select the best course material available for a given course while also acknowledging responsibility in developing and supporting a variety of textbook affordability measures. In accordance with House Bill 49, Southern state community college has adopted the following policy for faculty to follow when selecting and assigning textbooks and instructional materials.
(B) It is the policy of the college that faculty, staff and students have appropriate options as well as pertinent and timely information when selecting and purchasing textbooks. To this end, the college encourages the following:
(1) Consideration of educational content, necessity of course materials, and cost when making textbook and course material selections.
(2) Timely selection and adoption of textbooks so that students may have a meaningful opportunity to explore budget sensitive options.
(3) When possible, faculty are encouraged to adopt texts for multiple years as a means of reducing costs to students.
(4) Where appropriate, consider use of open-source textbooks and course materials.
(5) Select required textbooks and other educational materials which allow for resale and reuse.
(C) Compliance with all federal (Higher Education Opportunity Act) regulations regarding transparency in posting of selected texts is required. This includes price disclosure, copyright dates, ISBN numbers, book title, authors, and publisher information.
(D) Faculty may require textbooks and other materials either self-authored or in which the faculty has financial interest when it has been determined that those material are best suited to meet the course objective. However, pursuant to section 3.13 of the policy and information manual, no member of the college community may profit from these materials. Therefore, such textbook or course material assignments must be approved by the vice president of academic affairs.
(E) Complimentary textbooks received by Southern state faculty or employees because of employment at Southern state, whether such books are solicited or unsolicited, shall not be sold.

Ohio Admin. Code 3358:3-1-11

Effective: 11/30/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3345.025