Section 3358:17-42-02 - Judicial appeal process(A) Judicial appeal process. (1) The following judicial appeal process shall apply for any student who elects to appeal a non-academic decision made under the college conduct policy or other established policy of the college. Personnel who participated in the initial decision will not participate in the decisions of the judicial board.
(a) Any person who wants to appeal a decision under college policy may do so by requesting in writing a meeting with the judicial board. The request must be submitted to the office of the chief academic officer within five working days of the original decision. (For the purposes of this policy, "working days" shall be defined as any days from Monday through Friday that the college is open.)(b) A meeting of the judicial board will be scheduled by the chairperson within ten working days of receipt of the student's appeal and notify the student of the time and place of the meeting. In the appeal, the student may present evidence or information on his or her behalf and may be accompanied by a faculty/staff member or other representative of his or her choice (or if under age of eighteen, may be accompanied by a legal guardian.). The faculty/staff member, representative, or guardian may consult with but may not speak on behalf of the student or otherwise participate directly in the proceedings, unless given permission to do so by the chairperson. The chairperson of the judicial board must supply a written answer to the student within five working days of the date the appeal is heard. The judicial board shall keep a written summary of the proceedings. The written summary and any other materials pertinent to the review shall then be forwarded by the chairperson of the judicial board to the chief academic officer.
(c) If the student is not satisfied with the disposition of the appeal by the judicial board, he or she may appeal in writing the decision of the judicial board to the president of the college or his/her designee. The appeal must be filed within five working days after the receipt of written notice of the decision of the judicial board.(d) The decision of the president of the college or his/her designee must be rendered within five working days and is final.(e) The appeal may be withdrawn by the student at any point in the appeal process.(2) The judicial board will be composed of one department chair, three faculty members, three representatives from student services and two students. A quorum consists of four committee members plus the chairperson. The members and chairperson of the judicial board are appointed by the chief academic officer.Ohio Admin. Code 3358:17-42-02
Effective: 3/21/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.04
Rule Amplifies: 3358.04